I Had the great pleasure of being able to see the video Lecture of Harold Pinter's Nobel Lecture on Art, Truth & Politics, which was followed by an audience with the great Noam Chomsky. He took questions from the gathered mass and spoke for a about 45 minuets. I would of liked him for him to stay a little longer because it didn't allow for any really interesting questions to be asked of some one as knowledgeable as himself, although ,that being said ,its not the best forum to get really interesting debate when one is speaking to so many people. Plus it was a frighteningly cold winters evening and I'm sure he was keen to get back to the warmth, credit due, he could of opted for staying indoors by a fireside. It was a refreshing pleasure to see that amongst the warped zombies in the commercial capital of the consumer world, there where so many wise people, both old and young who still knew not to believe the hype.
The question that I was going to ask of Mr.Chomsky was this,
" Do you think that the so called 'War on terror' is in fact more precisely a 'War on Islam' with the reason for this being that under Islamic Law, capitalism would not be able to function or even exist which makes Islamic Law the last remaining enemy of Capitalism?"
As I was unable to get an answer from him at the time i will send him my question and see what response he send me...if any. I will of course post any response I receive.

Harold Pinter
Nobel Lectur Art,Truth and Politics
(cut and past link to watch in best quality or scroll down below and watch it here)
Art,Truth & Politics.
He starts
'There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.'
It is an extrodinary lecture in which he pulls no punches when discussing American Foriegn Policy over the past 50 yrs and sternly tells us how Britain is now "pathetic and supine"
It is a joy to watch and is incitfull and intreaging as we hear the views of a man is was directly involved in confronting the crazed power mogals of the U.S Politcal regime.