Thursday, 9 August 2007
Climate change, environ-mentalists and the future of earth
This week the Government admitted to the inevitability of loosing large parts of the country to rising sea levels and is resigned to the fact that there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
Even with a complete about face in Lifestyle choices it could not halt the tides (pardon the pun)
A drastic change is required if humans are to continue to enjoy the luxuries that are being paid for at the expense of future generations.
Luxuries such as unseasonable fruit and veg, standby buttons on electrical appliances, plastic bags (the curse of modern man) to carry home an apple. Apples wrapped in plastic and worse than all, the unneccsersay gas guzzlers that fill the air with thick black smog as they transport unhealthy, week legged children to school.
There is not nor has there ever been a problem with creating energy to fuel these unnecessary and fruitless desires, the problem has only ever been, what to do with the waste that is created with it. we are fortunate and indulgent people but are lazy and irresponsible with it.
This problem of waste has now reached epidemic proportions and is no longer one that can be ignored or swept under the carpet, so as to speak.
In the past this problem seemed an unimportant quandary as the amount of industrial and social development gained from coal, gas and nuclear fuels far outweighed the problems of waste management.
The developments in social and cultural advancements due to new production techniques allowing for plastics, metals and chemicals to be manipulated in to wondrous things, have all aided to the growth and development of the human race.
All of this was done so with scant regard for the cause and effects of these advancements. And why should those pioneers of cared? One can not know the outcome of ones work until the work has been done.
However, over the decades the waste that was created has slowly become such a large and encompassing problem that it now over shadows all the benefits that has come from these energy sources.- household waste, industrial waste, commercial waste, loss of fossil fuels and the release of poisons in to the atmosphere all threaten to change the physical face of the planet. How humans adjust to these changes remains to be seen.
I was standing on the millennium bridge recently looking at the spectacular skyline of London at night, and I was admiring how beautiful it was when it was lit up. My enjoyment was hollow though, as I was more than aware of the irreversible damage that was being done to the planet for me to enjoy this light show.
I considered the dichotomy of life.
It was pretty, but essentially unnecessary, it looked nice but served little purpose other than that of ostentation. Most of the building that where lit where empty and many of the brightest lights are over advertising boards. Street lights where excessive in number and of an old design which made them wasteful and inefficient.
Only once the fuel that is used to lighten up the night skies of London is obtained from reusable or sustainable sources, I will be able fully to enjoy it.
But what could those sources be I hear you ask?
For those that know that all life is just energy and that energy never dies, it only ever transforms, it is easy to conceive of methods to obtain and create energy in many different ways.
Here’s one: miniature turbines under the pavement that produce and collect energy as people walk over them. They could be under the roads and pavements and would consist of a small air filled pouch that was connected to a turbine, as people or cars past over them the air would be squeezed out thru the turbine creating a small amount of electrical energy which could be stored. They are small and alone would produce only a little energy but if the highways and path ways of Britain where covered with them we would produce so much energy that we would have surplus amounts of it.
It would be free to produce other than the set up costs; it would be clean, sustainable and out of sight.
Just a thought
This form of energy production is not very profitable for company’s looking to maintain control and sales of energy production. There are very little production costs other than the initial start up costs and maintenance, and it would be produced by the populous thus making it difficult to claim ownership of the energy produced. This is a very unprofitable proposition for the many energy companies who currently sell us energy
Energy companies know that their days are numbered and that is why they are so intent on trying to gain control over any new developments in the field of energy production.
They are keen to be seen as developing new ways of generating energy that is clean, reusable and sustainable but in reality they are the ones who hold the patents on many new methodology but will not release them until the time is right for them economically.
Money is at the heart of this problem too, as with most things, because there is an economic stability that needs to be maintained whilst the transition is made over to new types of fuel development. That is if increased profits are the main objective and not humanity’s evolutional development.
We have arrive at a time of “acquired knowledge” and are now progressing towards the age of “application of knowledge”
We must remember that the evolution of the human race is a work in progress and we in this time are merely playing our part in turning the wheels.
It may be that our role here is no more than to see how far we have come, how far we have yet to go and to direct the course of our progression towards that future.
A future with clean, sustainable or renewable energy sources. Sources which work with rather than against the planet.
This is where you can help make a change by changing your lifestyle; it is your lifestyle which requires that economic situation. Work towards producing your own energy and producing your own crops. Seek out methods of fuelling your lifestyle in ways that are clean and sustainable such as running your car on vegetable oil. Give up your unseasonable veg, switch off your electric appliances, let go of your plastic bags and stop buying things if they are un-necessary.
Question what are your wants and what are your needs and do they match?
For example, do you want a disposable lighter or do you need one? I would suggest you use a zippo or refillable lighter. I would suggest that the extra effort or cost incurred to make that happen would be worth it if it means not flooding the lands that we live on or poisoning the waters we drink from.
Added to that ask yourself just how much you need to go on holiday abroad when you haven’t even seen half of your home country, ask yourself just how much do you really need to make that trip by plane and not train and then ask your self just how indulgent are you that you can take “holidays” at all, at the cost of humanity’s future.
I only present these questions as a way of starting you down a road of exploration on the issues facing climate change and energy consumption, as one answer will lead to another question about our individual role in this matter.
Energy companies will change upon demand and only at an economically favourable time. So it is up to us as individuals to stop requiring such “old school” energy production as we have now, and we must request change from these companies.
Customers must demand new sources of energy but must be willing to pay the cost of this change.
We must be willing to change our lifestyles, so as to change the direction of this planets physical Course
We must remember that the evolution of the human race is a work in progress and we in this time are merely playing our part in turning the wheels.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
everything is politics
Everything in life must have its purpose, and so must Goatboy’s pen. This blog has been struggling to find its raison d’etre since its creation but after looking back over the past posts I found that they have become increasingly politicised. But then ….Everything is politics,
and so it is that Goatboy’s pen has decided that this is to be a place for political commentary, delivered in goatboy's own unique style.
so with that said, to the matters at hand
This week:
After his 9 year incarceration, enforced by a corrupt judicial system, for a crime with no supporting evidence, concocted in order to remove him from being a voice for the people…Jah Cure is free from prison.
The details of his charges are irrelevant for this post and if you wish to learn more about the trumped up charges they hit him with , please do so in your own time as I will not waste any more words on them.
There was much jubilation and celebration in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica where fans greeted him on his release.
Jah Cure said, "Life goes on - this is earth – a lot of things happen." He also said "there is no room for negativity but only for forthrightness and humility in full faith of the power of Jah Almighty."
his message to the youth was plain and simple. He said, "Stay focused - no need to go down certain roads whether purposefully or not. Be conscious - don’t try certain things – stay away from certain things
His music is where you will find out what these “certain things” are ,and it was for this reason that he was locked up in the first place.
The authorities and the “powers that be” are displeased when people suggest that there may be other lifestyle choices and types of behaviour that you can live your life by which do not support a capitalist regime or even make you pay taxes.
you may end up not even recognising such regimes and governments as a part of your reality at all.
He was producing such great,conscious music which was being heard by and educating so many people that, it is my opinion, he was locked up so as to remove his ability to be heard by anybody, anymore.
This is not the first time that it has happened to a wise outspoken soul nor will it be the last , but we can take great comfort and joy from knowing that , just like Mandela before him, his day will come, his words will be heard and the truth will out.
He is currently penning a book and is getting back to the studio to put down his new material…..I cant wait to hear it.
The world better watch out, now that Jah Cure is back at the mic.
Jah Cure feat. Fantan Mojah - Nuh Build Great Man
Jah \cure- filmed in prison
Drugs in sports- cycling and the tour de farce
So cyclists are taking performance enhancing drugs are they? Well the clue is in the title- ”performance enhancing”.
In this age where competition is all about performance and no longer about taking part, I think it would be bloody obvious that cyclists and most sports men and women for that matter, are going to be taking performance enhancers.
The problem that people seem to have with this is that it is some how unfair on the other competitors who are not taking them (why not??!!??) and also that it is in some way unnatural or cheating to take such enhancers. This seems like nostalgic folly to me (the bike isn't natural for a start).
As with everything in life from small amoebas to mobile phones all things will evolve with time. Amoebas get larger and phones get smaller but in all cases it is so as to be an improved version of the last.
Runners are faster, cyclists are quicker, footballers are fitter, triathlons are longer and even darts has gone alcohol free. Sportspeople are judged on their achievements and there performances and not for their taking part, so it will be that the aim of any sportsperson is to be able to perform to best of their physical ability….
deciding what methods are used in attempting to achieve this, is when the drugs problem rears is head. There are guidelines which govern which drugs are legal and which are not legal to use in aiding the body’s fitness and this is why there is a problem. All drugs should be allowed to be used or none at all, and to ban all drugs from use would be a nonsense because then you would have to quantify just what is a drug? tetrahydrogestrinone? , caffine? the sugar in a banana? Or all three?
The problem is that with all of the acquired knowledge now available to humankind it is possible to create an almost infinite amount of drugs for producing very specific and different effects, to aid the human body in achieving athletic feats. It is my opinion that all and any techniques/drugs or methods should be allowed in all sports.
A handful of commentators maintain that, as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalized. However, most disagree with this assertion, pointing out the harmful long-term effects of many doping agents. With doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences. - wikipedia
Maybe there could be a separate competition for athletes that wanted to remain drug free and then the best from the drugged up athletes and the best from the dope free sports folk could go head to head in a showdown.
With a legalisation of all drugs Sportspeople would require a knowledge of chemistry and physics to go with the biology they already know.
Sport would be complete.
At the moment sportspeople, as we have seen in the “tour de farce” this week, are all ready combining these 3 sciences to great effect, the only problem is the archaic rules that are governing the sports deem it illegal to do so.
On a side note….
I thought it was a bit rich that champion cyclist lance Armstrong was having a go at the “drug takers” this week, wasn’t he a man who beat cancer before winning his tours?
i dont mean to sound harsh, but Im sure that there were plenty of wonder drugs used in beating his cancer and it wasn’t done by drinking orange juice and doing sit ups was it? No! it was lots and lots of drugs…lovely, powerful body performance enhancing drugs.! no I wont be easy on him just because he had cancer. What does he want? a fucking medal. Hes got 7 of them…and all down to orange juice apparently.
anyway now for your edutainment...
anthony b - kicks knowledge live
jr kelly speaks wise
forward the revolution
and so it is that Goatboy’s pen has decided that this is to be a place for political commentary, delivered in goatboy's own unique style.
so with that said, to the matters at hand
This week:
After his 9 year incarceration, enforced by a corrupt judicial system, for a crime with no supporting evidence, concocted in order to remove him from being a voice for the people…Jah Cure is free from prison.
The details of his charges are irrelevant for this post and if you wish to learn more about the trumped up charges they hit him with , please do so in your own time as I will not waste any more words on them.
There was much jubilation and celebration in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica where fans greeted him on his release.
Jah Cure said, "Life goes on - this is earth – a lot of things happen." He also said "there is no room for negativity but only for forthrightness and humility in full faith of the power of Jah Almighty."
his message to the youth was plain and simple. He said, "Stay focused - no need to go down certain roads whether purposefully or not. Be conscious - don’t try certain things – stay away from certain things
His music is where you will find out what these “certain things” are ,and it was for this reason that he was locked up in the first place.
The authorities and the “powers that be” are displeased when people suggest that there may be other lifestyle choices and types of behaviour that you can live your life by which do not support a capitalist regime or even make you pay taxes.
you may end up not even recognising such regimes and governments as a part of your reality at all.
He was producing such great,conscious music which was being heard by and educating so many people that, it is my opinion, he was locked up so as to remove his ability to be heard by anybody, anymore.
This is not the first time that it has happened to a wise outspoken soul nor will it be the last , but we can take great comfort and joy from knowing that , just like Mandela before him, his day will come, his words will be heard and the truth will out.
He is currently penning a book and is getting back to the studio to put down his new material…..I cant wait to hear it.
The world better watch out, now that Jah Cure is back at the mic.
Jah Cure feat. Fantan Mojah - Nuh Build Great Man
Jah \cure- filmed in prison
Drugs in sports- cycling and the tour de farce
So cyclists are taking performance enhancing drugs are they? Well the clue is in the title- ”performance enhancing”.
In this age where competition is all about performance and no longer about taking part, I think it would be bloody obvious that cyclists and most sports men and women for that matter, are going to be taking performance enhancers.
The problem that people seem to have with this is that it is some how unfair on the other competitors who are not taking them (why not??!!??) and also that it is in some way unnatural or cheating to take such enhancers. This seems like nostalgic folly to me (the bike isn't natural for a start).
As with everything in life from small amoebas to mobile phones all things will evolve with time. Amoebas get larger and phones get smaller but in all cases it is so as to be an improved version of the last.
Runners are faster, cyclists are quicker, footballers are fitter, triathlons are longer and even darts has gone alcohol free. Sportspeople are judged on their achievements and there performances and not for their taking part, so it will be that the aim of any sportsperson is to be able to perform to best of their physical ability….
deciding what methods are used in attempting to achieve this, is when the drugs problem rears is head. There are guidelines which govern which drugs are legal and which are not legal to use in aiding the body’s fitness and this is why there is a problem. All drugs should be allowed to be used or none at all, and to ban all drugs from use would be a nonsense because then you would have to quantify just what is a drug? tetrahydrogestrinone? , caffine? the sugar in a banana? Or all three?
The problem is that with all of the acquired knowledge now available to humankind it is possible to create an almost infinite amount of drugs for producing very specific and different effects, to aid the human body in achieving athletic feats. It is my opinion that all and any techniques/drugs or methods should be allowed in all sports.
A handful of commentators maintain that, as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalized. However, most disagree with this assertion, pointing out the harmful long-term effects of many doping agents. With doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences. - wikipedia
Maybe there could be a separate competition for athletes that wanted to remain drug free and then the best from the drugged up athletes and the best from the dope free sports folk could go head to head in a showdown.
With a legalisation of all drugs Sportspeople would require a knowledge of chemistry and physics to go with the biology they already know.
Sport would be complete.
At the moment sportspeople, as we have seen in the “tour de farce” this week, are all ready combining these 3 sciences to great effect, the only problem is the archaic rules that are governing the sports deem it illegal to do so.
On a side note….
I thought it was a bit rich that champion cyclist lance Armstrong was having a go at the “drug takers” this week, wasn’t he a man who beat cancer before winning his tours?
i dont mean to sound harsh, but Im sure that there were plenty of wonder drugs used in beating his cancer and it wasn’t done by drinking orange juice and doing sit ups was it? No! it was lots and lots of drugs…lovely, powerful body performance enhancing drugs.! no I wont be easy on him just because he had cancer. What does he want? a fucking medal. Hes got 7 of them…and all down to orange juice apparently.
anyway now for your edutainment...
anthony b - kicks knowledge live
jr kelly speaks wise
forward the revolution
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