Friday 28 December 2007

Uncommon sense from Goatboy’s pen

This post is about the reason for Being and if you have wondered how or why about you or your self or anything else then you should read this and get an introduction in to the schools of thought that will help you find the answers.
Philosophy, semiotics, magik, all stems grown from the same tree and all are used in this post to deliver this set of ideas.

Is it possible that the universe is just the creation of an unconscious mind?

Where there is choice there is meaning
Nothing is ever an accident, there are no mistakes and the is no such think as a joke
Every word and every action has a thought behind it, a choice has to be made, a decision is taken and the expression of the word or action is the result.
The meaning or reason for each decision is not often clear, especially if you’re not looking for it and even if it is clear it only leads to more questions of “why”.
This is when the tool of semiotics is needed, to be used on the world as a giant magnifying glass so as to expose all the reason and meaning behind people's choices.

Semiotics – the study of sign systems

Symbols given meaning become signs- signs convey information-information educates you and leads you to your understanding
So if you undo this and follow it backwards;
All of your understanding has been learnt from information gained from signs that where nothing more than symbols that you attached meaning to.
To understand what the meaning of the symbol represents to the user gives you a key to open a door and explore the unconscious mind.

once inside the unconscious mind you can deconstruct everything that has been built in there and have a look at how it has been put together. Its a bit like the way a mechanic can take apart an engine to look inside it and see how it performs, then he can put it back together in a better condition and more highly tuned, or he can just leave it lying in broken bits on the floor. Once you have been inside an unconscious mind You soon realise that reality is only as you make it and is also rather fragile.

To deconstruct everything like this soon has you arriving at a place where you don’t exist and there is nothing to exist in. Quite a disconcerting and fretful thought as nothing is much more troubling for the human soul than loneliness; however,it is this empty nothing-ness which can be filled with everything and anything.
This is not a journey to be taken by the weak willed or faint of heart, but if you’ve ever wondered why, about anything, semiotics will give you the answer.

To know that there are no accidents, that nothing is ever a mistake and that everything has reason should give you hope and confidence in the coldest and darkest of moments, as it should help you to overstand (not standunder) the world that you find your self living in

Any thing that you think was a mistake wasn’t. It was an opportunity for something to happen and allowed a set of events to take place.

Any thing that you think was an accident wasn’t. It was an opportunity for something to happen and allowed a set of events to take place.

The only mistake was to think that your conscious mind was ever in control

This raises some interesting questions and when explored further leads you in to the territory of “fate” and “destiny” and this is swampy ground as it has been well trodden by many a religious lunatic who have left the terrain behind them littered with dangerous ideas.

What I will say is that all things are as they are meant to be and I shall leave it at that. I think Alistair Crowley said it best when he said “the will shall be whole of the law”

It is an individual’s will that makes the choices and the decisions which are behind their actions.

Therefore It’s OK to say
Its time for me to change my self so that I can be…(…enter own word here- proud, happy, confident etc….)

Now to fresh ears this may all start to sound rather abstract and the more you explore it the madder it gets, and when praticing what was once called the dark art it may stat to "drive you insain", as the expresion goes.
I have always enjoyed the word “insanity” because it is the word we use to mean madness or crazy yet to my minds eye it says “enter sanity” due to the first half of the word being “in” which means to “enter”, so to say “he went insane” to my minds ear means "he entered sanity”. Oh the irony. There are many examples of these kinds of words in English which lend them selves so beautifully to a little semiotic analysis and deconstruction but more on that later.
I think there is a lot, if not the whole truth, in the saying “You have to loose your mind to find it” so let your self go, cast it to the wind, loose any notion you have of who you think you are, just enjoy the charector you have made... and if your not enjoying it then all you need to do is change it.

The world is a stage and we are all just players upon it

Let us condemn no one lest we condemn our selves
Let us judge no one lest we judge our selves
Let us make no laws lest we become like the lawmakers

Click link for a quick definition and history of semiotics

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