People are messy. The world is messy. Who's gonna clean it up and why should they bother anyway?
This is a book of two halves, and I would like to add some pictures to it so I can turn it in to a
little book that you can flip round from back to front.... One side for those that do because they know they have to and of the
benefits that doing can bring, and another side for those that quite frankly cant be
bothered to do ...and they will happily to tell you why too!
It came about after trying to convince someone that if they sorted out
their house then it might sort
their head out a little too, make them feel a little happier if you like,
because after all ....ones environment is a reflection of ones self,
isn't it? and if not, at the very least ones environment cant help but have some influence on ones self
purely through its effect on the
physically and
emotionally thus stimulating ones
consciousness.anyway its a little long in places and could do with an edit but for now here it is in its full copy :
The 10 reasons why you should and
shouldn't clean your room
Cleanliness is next to godliness: 10 reasons to clean your room
1 – Be Brave , Better your self
It is a brave person who grips the challenge of a task firmly in hand, and delves in to the darkest most cluttered and untouched corners of ones room.
It is a brave person, full of courage who faces this challenge head on, and who, whilst knowing the unpleasant energy consuming task before them, takes a deep breath and sets to it.
It is a saintly person who does this without complaint.
2- Be strong- never put off until tomorrow that which can be done today
It is hardest to take those first brave steps in to places that have been left untouched for too long. In places such as these there is often much to be done. there are corners filled with clutter with forgotten historys, hidden beneath piles of dust.
The task can seem huge. So Starting is half of the journey. It is often easier for a person faced with this challenge to say to ones self “ well…there’s always tomorrow”
3- One shall reap the rewards and discover new joys from ones toil.
Unearth that which is buried
Upon setting to the challenge of sorting though the collected piles of life’s acquisitions, one will soon discover that although at times it may seem like a fruitless task, there are many rewards to be gained from assessing and sorting that which you’ve picked up along your way though life.
Many of ones priceless jewels and gems stored for safe keeping are rediscovered and enjoyed. Joyous memories and forgotten past’s and path (and pant)s are found and remembered. past talents can be rediscovered and lived once more.
4- Organise your room and give your room focus. (Vision/Perspective)
Only when you have focus can you see clearly
When cleaning out your room one should try to organise the things that are disturbed as one goes about attacking its peaceful clutter.
As one does this, one can often go around in circles trying to place things where one thinks it fits, only to later discover that something else should fit in its place and that it actually belongs somewhere completely different, where one had never even conceived of it belonging to until now.
The more one organises ones room the easier it will become to see where things fit.
One will discover which things have value and what their value is to oneself as one tries to place them.
With focus and clarity one can see that which is important and that which is no longer needed for its purpose has been served.
5- Free ones self ones possessions. Know the value and worth of that which one possesses
when cleaning out ones room one would do well to see what things one has in their possession that they are holding on to , even though it no longer serves a purpose.
One can see that which is worthless from that which has value, that which is useful from that which has not or serves no purpose or could be more useful to somebody else.
Deal with each item accordingly for this too will bring its own rewards.
6- Free from useless clutter, one can enjoy the freedom of space.
When ones room is free from rubbish and junk, once the clutter has been organised with focus and purpose, one is able to use and enjoy the luxury of new found space. This provides one self with a great freedom.
7- To clean ones room is to give one self the opportunity for rebirth and to allow room for new discoveries.
When ones room has space and order, when one has evaluated that which surrounds oneself and let go of that which is no longer needed, when one has rediscovered lost dream and treasures, forgotten pasts and pants, one is able to know what ones needs, desires and pleasures truly are.
One can decide what to do with that which one owns. One can decide what new things one would like to fill their life with.
8- Clean your room or else!....... for an unclean will only attract that which is unclean.
If one chooses not to clean out ones room, that is their choice to make and so be it. However, one should be wary of this choice.
If one chooses not to clean out their room then it will become stagnant and foul. It will grow diseased and may very well cause great sickness.
9- Clean out your room before its to late.
“Do not live in misery for fear of being miserable” -Leonardo Da Vinci
Try to never let the task of cleaning ones room become an impossible challenge or burden.
If a room is left unused or untouched for to long before it is cleaned it will only attract more filth and clutter to it as time goes by. This can make the often mountainous journey, that one needs to uptake, appear to be an imposable and unthinkable one.
Many will choose to accept this state and remain in it rather than do the unthinkable and actually just “clean out ones room!”
This is a sad and miserable existence for any body to live in and can often lead to great unhappiness and misfortune.
10/ Clean Room , Clean Mind, Clean Heart
One should clean out ones room for the simple reason that there is no greater pleasure to be had, than to sit in the peace and quite of a clean space which is ones own.
Now you can choose what to do with it……..
Chaos is good
10 Reasons not to clean ones room
1- Life is short
with the life span of the average human being about 70/80 yrs one may decide that the amount of time that one spends keeping ones room clean is to large of a proportion of their life times expectancy, in which case one may decide to surrender the cleanliness of one’s living space so as to spend more time pursuing the pleasures of life which they seek.
2- empty room, empty mind
surround oneself with clutter as clutter is a muse for ones inspiration. Its all very well obtaining a minimalist environment if one is attempting to achieve an environment for inner thought and peaceful harmony with ones self and there environment , but this will not serve at all for the creative, expressionist exploration of the personality. One needs clutter or “things” to stimulate is minds thought processes. Michael Angelo, Raphael or Monet would of painted rather drab and boring paintings if all they had for inspiration were four white walls.
Cleanliness is sterile and provokes stupor. Beware of the overly clean.
3- Cleanliness is fascism
Hygiene is a bourgeois social construct that lends it self to rightwing of politics, and so by cleaning ones room and adhering to the social conformities of “clean” one is taking part and actively supporting the fascist, controlling overseer of ones own self. BE “unclean” , Be Free
4- Order in Chaos , Chaos in Order
Mess and disorganisation and in fact in themselves perfectly organised and orderly. Everything is as it is meant to be. Destruction breeds Rebirth, The chaos is in Order, There are no mistakes, Nothing is coincidence. It is o.k. to be rubbish, one can still be happy and feel secure in ones self. One can still function and work and live and be. The universe will work weather it is one is tidy or not.
It is not necessary for one to be tidy or clean to ensure that one achieves all that one will from life.
5- Dirt is good
Dirt and rotting matter are very good for ones self. Decomposition leads to new life, this is the cycle life. If one wishes to be clean, one must first get dirty. The important discovery of penicillin which has lead to the greatest cures for ones ails was found only because someone was unclean and didn’t clear away their old food.
6- You want it ? You got it.
In the room of some one who does not clean and is messy often have an abundant supply of everyday consumables or commodities at hand. This means that in the environment of a messy person one can often find to hand just what one needs, and sometimes, even without the searching though collections of stuff that is usually required. A small amount of scouting maybe required but it is worth the effort and less effort than having to acquire that which is desired from the shops or elsewhere. There is great pleasure to be had riffling though the rooms, sheds, garages where people have stored a life time of clutter, in no order other than that of universal chance, and seeing what lies in wait for one to discover. How sterile an experience and how unadventurous would it be if all these items were neatly labelled in an inventory and stored in some order based on chronology or use, or worse ,on market value!
7- Strengthen one’s self
The consumption of and the exposure to dirt and messy environments builds the immune system and helps to makes oneself stronger. A lack of exposure to such things creates fragile and weak people who are unable to deal with any dirt should they come across it. They are often very susceptible to illness and stress.
8 – Make ones space a fortress for ones self
By deliberately creating an environment that is dirty or messy but which suits ones own personal quirks and comforts, one can create a space that is intolerable by other people and therefore securing oneself from any unwanted company or disturbance from people wishing to invade on ones space. People will be unable to remain in such an environment and will therefore be forced , by their own will, to exit, leaving one to enjoy ones space.
Never again will the likes of yoga enthusiasts, new age nonsense practitioners, or uppity middle class bigots try to impose on ones space.
9- Why Bother? Let someone else do it.
It is a simple truth that if one does not clean ones space, it WILL be cleaned for them. Somebody WILL clean ones room if one does not attend to it. It maybe ones mother, or partner or carer, it maybe that ones space becomes so unclean and un tolerable that it is imposing on others and so the appropriate authority’s will deal one room. It WILL, at some point be cleaned for oneself.
However, this may not suit one very much at all and one may find that out of ones hands, ones room is no longer ones own and is no subject to outside forces who now have control over ones space, which is a powerful and influential hold.
10 – Fight the power
Cleaning has always been a tool of the socially constructed male power system to repress women. Cleaning is a semiotic sign of repression and therefore no one should clean their room. Women should not clean their rooms as an active form of feminist protest against male oppression and men should not clean in support of their sisters fight against repression.
No one should clean, one with all should live in squalor until the day comes that one drowns in ones own waste and one dies, so as to be reborn with a knowing of mess and dirt and all things unclean and of their place in the universal order of things , and with universal balance one shall exist neither clean nor dirty but just being perpetually messy and clean, messy and clean just as night follows day and day follows night, just as order is chaos and chaos is order.
Just as there are two sides to every story , there are two sides to everything
©Copyright S. Janssen (2007). Not to be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the permission of the author.