It's official - Tom Cruise is divine
The story goes that TOM Cruise has been named as the new “Christ” of Scientology, according to leaders of the pseudo-scientific religion. The leader of the Organisation, which is very definitely NOT a cult,(despite what the German Government might of decided), David Miscavige believes that in future, Cruise, 44, will be worshipped like Jesus for his work to raise awareness of the religion.
It would be easy to either laugh out loud or cry in despair at this latest tale from the strange happenings of Planet L.A Galaxy , U.S.A (Unbelievably Stupid Actors) but let us do neither.
Lets us not judge Little Tom, for only those who wish to be judged themselves should judge others, rather let us all send him this prayer, which has been adapted from "a prayer to be more like Jesus" so as to be more fitting to the latest divine little so and so to walk among us mere mortals.
L.Ron, our Father who is called Hubbard, You gave us Tom and have saved us and our thetans through him who is Christ, who is called Tom, Little Tom who is mighty, Oh Tommy, Tiny Tom, TommyTom . Through Him You have saved us from death, (which is like having no Oprah) and given us Your Divine life of grace ,(which is Oprah). By becoming more like TomJesus on earth, may I come to share His glory in Heaven, (which is not of this planet). Give me the peace of Your kingdom ( in Hollywood), which this world does not give (For Free).
By Your loving care, which is seen by the love you show to your wife, protect the good You have given me. Open my eyes to the wonders of Your Love, (which is not gay…at all …not even a little bit) that I may serve You with a willing heart (and open wallet)
And let us not forget that he has already shown the world how he will use his awesome powers, when angered by disbelievers
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