Goatboy has also been ordained as a year older in earthly years and as such has been partaking in the expected rituals as is the custom with this occasion. Bacchus has been a constant companion over these festivities and as much as he is loved by Goatboy, it is a relief that he has left , as it is to awaken without hearing the bells of death ringing inside ones cranium.
So firstly…
A big “thank you” to all of you who made the snakes exit such an uneasy one.
Well done to you all
Seeing Mark Thomas talk was a great pleasure and if I was a critic I would have to quit or change my job description to promoter because it was close to perfect - if such a thing there is.
One man , a Voice and his words that told stories that where captivating, humorous, insightful, informative and most of all important.
(for as the quote goes.. “if what you have to say is not greater than silence, stay silent”)
He spoke about SoCa , this is the law which has made it illegal to demonstrate anywhere near Parliament without official police permission.
This was brought in essentially to deal with Brian Haw (or so they claim), David Blunkett even said “it is a sledge hammer to crack a nut, but he is a nut” - but even that missed, as Brian Haw is the one person exempt from the law because he was there before it was brought in and the law can not work in retrospect!
Mark Thomas gave a riveting account of his efforts to combat this law by inundating the police with requests for lone demos, with demonstrations being waged on everything from banning trolls to saving surrealism.
He also talked about the arms trade and his investigations in to the dark and murky world of selling weapons. All information is available from his web site here….

And look out for the McDemos company he has set up and have him hold a demo on your behave . You can demonstrate against anything you like from the comfort of your own living room! Well worth a look.
In other news ……
War –
Famine –
Slavery –
Corruption –
Greed –
Are all up this week, while;
Peace –
Sharing –
Freedom –
Honesty –
Are all down this week ,as the stock market for global harmony took a nose dive due to the huge expenditure and general ignorance at the Earth-day and Diana-day debacles.
This did not help the shaky situation that had already been created by the death of Glastonbury when the corporate capitalist love-fest that has now become, fucked the last breath of life out of it.
Lets hope for better things next week
Anthony B - Mr. Heartless
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