Tuesday, 26 June 2007

The day has come and the rat has gone

Protest at Downing Street on Blair's last day

London Wednesday 27 June
From 10am
Join Military Families Against The War
Supported By Stop The War Coalition

Military Families Against the War, supported by Stop the War Coalition, are planning to make Wednesday 27 June an anti-war day in Downing Street.
This is the day Tony Blair leaves office to be replaced by Gordon Brown.

Tony Blair will leave Downing Street in the morning and our protest will begin at 10am. Gordon Brown will enter in the afternoon (we will publicise the time as soon as we get it), when Military Families Against the War will deliver him a letter asking him to meet them, a request that Blair has turned down repeatedly over the past three years.

Please join us to make sure that Blair’s last day in office is marked by his true legacy: up to one million killed in Iraq, over four million Iraqis – one in seven of the population – now refugees and 151 British soldiers killed in an illegal and unnecessary war.


With Goatboy going to see Mark Thomas later on in the week I thought I'd leave it to him to give a few words on this day, when we can finally breath a sigh of relief that the wretched politician that was Tony Bliar is gone. Thank the heavens....
I have also reposted Brian Haws speech because he is one man who has been there with Tony for nearly his whole time in office, only Brian wasn't in an office or even a building but camping outside the Houses Of Parliament, relentlessly reminding those inside of there crimes. His words ring out load and clear both in this clip and on his megaphone at Parliament Square and it hard not to love him for it.(unless your a heartless basted bathing in bath of blood money that)
See ya Tony ...Run along..... and don't come back!!

Mark Thomas - Politics boring

Brian Haw - Most Inspiring Political Figure 2007


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