In the most recent post's this blog has become more political in its expression, although its difficult not to do so as every thing is politics, however there is one avenue for political discourse that remains the most enjoyable and more importantly powerful than most forms of expression, comedy. In the camp of enlightenment comedy sits with art and music shining the way for any who see it.
Check out the comedy central "Axis of Evil Comedy Tour"
With the conflicts in the middle east, the war on Islam and the general ignorance that surrounds the West's consumerism which supports it, this comedy central show was a great opportunity for some of America's finest comics of Arabic and Middle Eastern heritage to have their say and express their perspective of life in America during these times.
watch the full show here
on a slightly lighter comic is Sarah Silverman ripping on Paris Hilton at the Mtv awards.
This has caused so much traffic and responses on youtube that it is amazing to think that this is what most Americans are getting their knickers in a twist about while half the world lies dying and are trying to see the funny side of that.
Fuck Paris Hilton and the pumpkin stage coach she rode in on
If you don't know Sarah Silverman then you should get to know her...
Sarah Silverman Rips Into Paris Hilton at Mtv Awards...
and to finish to days post her is some rare footage of the messiah of comedy Mr Bill Hicks
thanks to a guy called muhoboika on youtube for this.
Bill is was and always will be the master of comic timing,performance and content, all wrapped up in his own unique and honest free flowing form.

part 1
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