Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Police invasion of Finsbury Park Station

I happened to be in krapyrubsnif otherwise known as Finsbury park when I noticed that something was terribly wrong. I wanted to get on the underground service but when I arrived at what I thought was the station I was confronted by so many police that I thought I was at the cop shop. I was wrong and to my surprise I wasn’t at the local butchers despite the smell of pig and I was actually at Finsbury park underground staion but the police had decided that they where going to place a metal detector at each exit and search everybody that came out..or at least search the ones that their pig ignorant prejudice minds wanted to search, which meant young lads with African or Caribbean heritage.

What are they trying to achieve here?
How is this effective policing?
Why are they all standing around with their hands in their pockets?

How is this NOT an invasion of civil liberties?
How is this even legal?

Haven’t they got better things that they could be doing? Why are they all so thick? I guess that’s why don’t they realize that they and the police force as an entity only exist as a piece of theater to give the public peace of mind.
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.

I took this footage so as to show just what an imposing site it was for someone who just wanted to get a tube home but happened to have a couple of grams of herbal medicine in his pocket, which shouldn’t be a problem, but due to some very old and bizarre legal laws still in place about it, it was a problem to have it now. After taking the footage I went around the corner, stuck the offending herbs in my shoe and proceeded to run the gauntlet of trying to get a tube train with out P.C Fukwit wanting to touch me up and stick his fingers up my bottom.
Thankfully P.C Fukwit was busy trying to work out why it gets darker when he puts his sunglasses on, so I was able to pass him without any drama….this time. I have been less fortunate in the past in this very same situation.
You may not think that this manner of policing is a problem and that they are doing a valuable and important task, especially since 7-11, and that in these times a terrorist could be boarding the tube with a bomb and that this could stop him…etc etc. well that is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part is all I need to say about that.
I will repeat
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.

So you should be concerned with seeing this kind of police activity because today its weed smokers and kids with out the money for a ticket that they are coming for….but tomorrow it could be you.

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Muslim.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left
to speak up for me.

In the words of the great voice of the people Mr. Ice T….”Fuck da Po’Lice”


Anonymous said...

Why should the Police not search people? If one has nothing to hide it should not be a problem.

Anonymous said...

And as for searching certain ethincities more than others - that just makes sense.

Proportionally Black people commit more knife crime and so should be searched disproportionatley.

Similarly, White Middle Class males commit fraud more often and so should have their finance/tax forms checked more often...

It's logic.