Bob Geldof is a self promoting egotist who's efforts to see an end to global poverty are nothing more than a vehicle for Bob to ease his own conscience about the huge home that he owns and the vast capitol and wealth that he has.
I had the chance to ask him about this after the "MakePovertyHistory" rally in Trafalgar square.....having cornered him as he was having his ego stroked by autographs hunters and I told him that I thought his speech was nice and all, but it lacked any actual power. I told him he had not talked about what we would have to do in order to make poverty history...
"but Bob, what did you ask the people to change ?" I asked "You didn’t ask them to stop consuming or change their habits did you Bob? Why not Bob?"........
He was drinking Champaign at the time and this question threw him a little....I think he thought I just wanted to be seen with him like everyone else there rather than engage with him on the reason we where there at all, but he did take the time to think about it ( I could hear cogs churning over) and then he told me ..
" but that’s cos they don’t have to give up anything!"
he then rose his arms up as if in a victory celebration at this gem of wisdom he had spouted. The crowd loved it and cheered him.
I was less impressed...
"but Bob that’s a nonsense" I said, his arms came down. "we all have to make a decision on how, why and with whom we are going to spend our money don't we? if we are to really going to "make poverty history". I mean its all a matter of capitalism isn’t it?..let me give you an example...."
"...do you like my outfit Bob, I looks alright doesn’t it?". Bob looked and agreed it was a nice get up. I was, as the fates would have it, dressed in a very nice outfit that day, dark blue jeans, a nice dark sweater with a dark navy pin stripped jacket, a pair of no-name brand but slick looking trainers and a baseball cap that was also dark blue. No logo. It was, even if I say so myself , a fine ensemble of items that looked good...this is important not for my ego but for the purpose of the story.
" well thank you Bob, I do try and make an effort" i said "but the point here is that all this gear is form charity stores, all new and unworn and cost me about £15 head to toe.....even my socks are knitted by my girlfriend, and that’s the choice that I have made, Bob, to try and combat the capitalist machine that "makes poverty happen". I gave up my Nike trainers and Versace shirts...how about you bob? what did you give up? How much was that nice coat your wearing Bob? see my point?"
Bob was wearing a very expensive looking full length coat, and his shoes where none to cheap looking ethier.
At this point Bob's face had changed and had the look of a man who was hearing his mother telling him off...he didn’t give me an answer, he just huffed a little and tutted, gave me a look that said your "cramping my style here", i cant be sure but think he even said "whatever" and then turned on his heels and walked in to his chauffeur driven Damlier...still with Champaign in a fancy glass ( a cracked t-cup would do me) and left. not even a wave to his fans.
What a twat.
so when you see Bob tell him you don’t like Mondays but he’s even harder to like.
tell you what Bob ill do a deal with you....you give up your mansion home, stop indulging your ego with your greedy self serving desires, donate your wealth to the third world and ill stop telling everyone what a cunt you really are. deal?
lets make Geldof's chaaarritywagon history

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