This is a quick repost of some edited pieces that appeared on Goatboyspen in its early days.
click links:
Goatboy vs Geldof
Tom Cruise is definitely not gay
Is Jesus god? Sheikh Ahmed Deetat vs Anis Sorrosh
Goatboy's book of two halves: a self help book that will change your life...or wont
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Friday, 28 December 2007
Uncommon sense from Goatboy’s pen

Philosophy, semiotics, magik, all stems grown from the same tree and all are used in this post to deliver this set of ideas.
Is it possible that the universe is just the creation of an unconscious mind?
Where there is choice there is meaning
Nothing is ever an accident, there are no mistakes and the is no such think as a joke
Every word and every action has a thought behind it, a choice has to be made, a decision is taken and the expression of the word or action is the result.
The meaning or reason for each decision is not often clear, especially if you’re not looking for it and even if it is clear it only leads to more questions of “why”.
This is when the tool of semiotics is needed, to be used on the world as a giant magnifying glass so as to expose all the reason and meaning behind people's choices.
Semiotics – the study of sign systems
Symbols given meaning become signs- signs convey information-information educates you and leads you to your understanding
So if you undo this and follow it backwards;
All of your understanding has been learnt from information gained from signs that where nothing more than symbols that you attached meaning to.
To understand what the meaning of the symbol represents to the user gives you a key to open a door and explore the unconscious mind.
once inside the unconscious mind you can deconstruct everything that has been built in there and have a look at how it has been put together. Its a bit like the way a mechanic can take apart an engine to look inside it and see how it performs, then he can put it back together in a better condition and more highly tuned, or he can just leave it lying in broken bits on the floor. Once you have been inside an unconscious mind You soon realise that reality is only as you make it and is also rather fragile.
To deconstruct everything like this soon has you arriving at a place where you don’t exist and there is nothing to exist in. Quite a disconcerting and fretful thought as nothing is much more troubling for the human soul than loneliness; however,it is this empty nothing-ness which can be filled with everything and anything.
This is not a journey to be taken by the weak willed or faint of heart, but if you’ve ever wondered why, about anything, semiotics will give you the answer.
To know that there are no accidents, that nothing is ever a mistake and that everything has reason should give you hope and confidence in the coldest and darkest of moments, as it should help you to overstand (not standunder) the world that you find your self living in
Any thing that you think was a mistake wasn’t. It was an opportunity for something to happen and allowed a set of events to take place.
Any thing that you think was an accident wasn’t. It was an opportunity for something to happen and allowed a set of events to take place.
The only mistake was to think that your conscious mind was ever in control
This raises some interesting questions and when explored further leads you in to the territory of “fate” and “destiny” and this is swampy ground as it has been well trodden by many a religious lunatic who have left the terrain behind them littered with dangerous ideas.
What I will say is that all things are as they are meant to be and I shall leave it at that. I think Alistair Crowley said it best when he said “the will shall be whole of the law”
It is an individual’s will that makes the choices and the decisions which are behind their actions.
Therefore It’s OK to say
Its time for me to change my self so that I can be…(…enter own word here- proud, happy, confident etc….)
Now to fresh ears this may all start to sound rather abstract and the more you explore it the madder it gets, and when praticing what was once called the dark art it may stat to "drive you insain", as the expresion goes.
I have always enjoyed the word “insanity” because it is the word we use to mean madness or crazy yet to my minds eye it says “enter sanity” due to the first half of the word being “in” which means to “enter”, so to say “he went insane” to my minds ear means "he entered sanity”. Oh the irony. There are many examples of these kinds of words in English which lend them selves so beautifully to a little semiotic analysis and deconstruction but more on that later.
I think there is a lot, if not the whole truth, in the saying “You have to loose your mind to find it” so let your self go, cast it to the wind, loose any notion you have of who you think you are, just enjoy the charector you have made... and if your not enjoying it then all you need to do is change it.
The world is a stage and we are all just players upon it
Let us condemn no one lest we condemn our selves
Let us judge no one lest we judge our selves
Let us make no laws lest we become like the lawmakers
Click link for a quick definition and history of semiotics
Monday, 24 December 2007
Rap up ya x-mas presents- remember the ghetto

Unfreindly Game (selection by triple777)
Mixtape donwload link
This mix is a collection of tracks stuck together with about as much craft as bricklayer using bluetack to bind his bricks,but it is a Slamming selection set to make you bump your bones, nod ya head and reminisce about the days when Hip-Hop was more than some pop art bullshit.
Remember when Hip-Hop was black?….Remember when golf was white?…..Remember when tits where real?...
The whole culture is being raped by middle American Suburbanites who have adopted it, made some hybrid poison with it and now sell it back to the world market labeled as Hip-Hop,
Remember when JayZ was just a producer and said “I’m just a producer. I aint a rapper, I’ll never rap” ? Remember when Black eyed peas where “conscious” rappers and stood against commercial rap? Now they do Pepsi ads!?!
Remember when Rap was political, heartfelt and honest? …
We should of seen it coming though cos it was right there in the word ….HIPHOP/HiPPOP! damn.
Here you’ll find tracks from all the greats of the game- Brand Nubians, Jeru , Redman, Da B.C.C, and loads of Master Ace, plus many others so you now its going be good.
The theme is – It’s an Unfriendly Game ….but F#ck it- hold on to your heart and lets dance.
So bump it in your homes....and let’s be thankful for what we have. Happy Solstice.
Unfreindly Game (selection by triple777)
Allah/Looking at God (intro) – Brand Nubians
Scientifical Madness – Jeru
Claiming im a Criminal – Brand Nubians
Block episode –Master Ace
Chika Woo -Helta Skelta
Hold ya head up – Magnum force
Hold on – Brand Nubians
Streets – Jeru
Something’s wrong – Master Ace
I am Music- Common ft Erika Badu
Dance to my ministry –Brand Nubians
Turn pt2 – Mike Zoot ft Royal Flush
Hold U – Master Ace
Nubian Jam – Brand Nubian
OneDay – Jeru
SoopermanLover 6 – Redman ft Hurricain G
Nothings gonna Change – Tek
Sean Wigginz –Sean Price
Unfreindly Game –Master Ace
Every other Day – Master Ace
Diz is Brick city – Redman
All for One – Brand Nubians
Aquarius - Common
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Your free X-mas card - Bah'humbug

OK, ALRIGHT !! Mustn't grumble and all that but now and and again its only healthy to let loose a little steam to stop from blowing up..... so with that being said - WHAT THE FUCK IS CHRISTMAS ALL ABOUT?!?!?!?!
It was a disheartening and sorry sight to see the seas of fretfull souls in a spending panic as they fought and hustled their way through each other to lay thier hands on meaningless trinkets, empty of craftsmanship , devoid of any meaning and yet where held on to as if they where the elixier of life it self.
The prophet jesus would i am sure be beautifully toaist about the whole situation and would laugh at its obserdity...i however, not having attained such enlightenment as yet, feel the need to express my dismay and sorrow that so many are aimlessly wandering like lost sheep in to the arms of a ravanous wolf dressed in the guise of CONsumer capitalism.

Friday, 14 December 2007
More Mixes for your edutainment

Roots keep you grounded. This selection is the first stone cast at the houses of governance:
Reggae vs dirty Politricks
Reggae vs dirty politricks
Show a little love – Sizzla
Cry blood - Anthony b
That day will come – Capleton
In this world – Sizzla
Credential -Antony b
I am happiness – Lee scratch Perry
Seven devils dead – Lee scratch Perry
Politics time again – Buju Banton
Bun dem everyday - Capleton
Crazybaldheads - IJahman Levi
Warning – tony Rebel
Think dem coulda? - Antony b
World trade center -Perfect
The system - Antony b
Freedom – Natural Black
Forever loving Jah riddem mix - Morgan Heritage/ Ras Shilo/ Buju Banton/ Jamillia
Forever loving Jah – Robert Nesta Marley
download link
mix 2
Reggae: be the calm for the storm
Voice of Jah – Buju Banton
Give Thanks – Gyption
Show a little love – Sizzlz
Street Life – Anthony b
Coming in from the cold – Robert Nesta Marley
Hide Tide or low Tide – Robert Nesta Marley
Natural Mystic – Dennis Brown
Don’t Complain – Junior Kelly
Lots of signs – Dynamite Delux ft Patrice
Social Living – Burning Spear
Set me free – Ken Booth
Be Strong – Sizzla
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Gorilla Warriors in the mist - Mixtapes

Digital mixtapes - remember the days of stop,play,pause and record?!? when we made do and where happy to?...goatboy is at it again mixing and blending in true oldschool style -
check out the news'cool oldskool selection for your listening edutainment.
download link
Gorilla Warriors In The Mist:
Allah u Akbar -brand Nubian
meaning of 5% - brand Nubian
black star liner -brand Nubian
food clothes shelter - dead prez
panthers -last poets ft. dead prez and common
veterans day - dave ghetto ft breez evah pumpkinhead rok one
commercial rap - qn5 allstars
what would you do? - born unique ft lonnie b
a thief in the night- roosevelt franklin
too long - master ace
block episode - master ace
evry other day - master ace
new world order - imortale technique
modern day slavery - imortale technique
watchout/impeach the president - imortale technique
Soldiers of the spoken word , wielding their weapons to devastating effect , striking a blow to heart of the wicked and those who would trick you with their elaborate speeches.
Hip-Hop is the art of Freedom. In the beginning was the word..... then came the drum
after that everything is everything, after that, everything is politics and this mix i let these Rap veterans explain the problems and the solutions to our political social and existential dilemmas
download form this link to rapidshare
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Educated Fools

so Goatboy has been missing for a while- (not that anyone noticed)but all good things are in there own place and time.
Everything is politics....and we are living in a time where many of our teachers have yet to learn and many of the learned are being ignored.
I saw this posted innocently on a friends facebook page and although it is harmless enough I thought I’d use it as an example of how the many “educated fools” of our age have once again missed the fucking point!
Here is what was posted:
Only great minds can read this
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it
here Goatboy’s response:
only 55 out of a hundred eh? well firstly, that’s more than half so if you cant read it then you are in the minority so its not that amazing and a mute point. What this does go to show, more interestingly than the stupid research findings which this nonsense reports, is that what the eye sees and what the mind makes of the information given to it by the eye can not be trusted to be correct or accurate at all. In fact the mind is constantly perverting the information to enable people to operate without having to think to much, it replaces what it doesn’t know with something that it already is essentially a lazy survival instinct for the scared, a bit like when a kitten is nervous of stuffed toy animal.
But those that are braver can learn to control this instinct. They do so that they can see further afield and thus explore further depths of experience.
This is also a survival instinct but one born out of the desire to PROGRESS and further the self/species, otherwise the self/species becomes stupid, unable to cope or understand its environment and is soon outdated/extinct/surplus to requirements as the evolutionary paths continue developing.
Try and look for what the eyes can see put the mind has never been shown.
Remember, there was a time when you saw these symbols and they where not words, they made no sense to you, now you have grown and trained your mind to see these symbols as words and have attachment some meaning to them.
Learn to read the signs
if you can read this forward this ;-)
Be a lion not a scared kitten
and don’t stop thinking just cos it starts to hurt. lets raise our selves to higher levels
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Climate change, environ-mentalists and the future of earth

This week the Government admitted to the inevitability of loosing large parts of the country to rising sea levels and is resigned to the fact that there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
Even with a complete about face in Lifestyle choices it could not halt the tides (pardon the pun)
A drastic change is required if humans are to continue to enjoy the luxuries that are being paid for at the expense of future generations.
Luxuries such as unseasonable fruit and veg, standby buttons on electrical appliances, plastic bags (the curse of modern man) to carry home an apple. Apples wrapped in plastic and worse than all, the unneccsersay gas guzzlers that fill the air with thick black smog as they transport unhealthy, week legged children to school.
There is not nor has there ever been a problem with creating energy to fuel these unnecessary and fruitless desires, the problem has only ever been, what to do with the waste that is created with it. we are fortunate and indulgent people but are lazy and irresponsible with it.
This problem of waste has now reached epidemic proportions and is no longer one that can be ignored or swept under the carpet, so as to speak.
In the past this problem seemed an unimportant quandary as the amount of industrial and social development gained from coal, gas and nuclear fuels far outweighed the problems of waste management.
The developments in social and cultural advancements due to new production techniques allowing for plastics, metals and chemicals to be manipulated in to wondrous things, have all aided to the growth and development of the human race.
All of this was done so with scant regard for the cause and effects of these advancements. And why should those pioneers of cared? One can not know the outcome of ones work until the work has been done.
However, over the decades the waste that was created has slowly become such a large and encompassing problem that it now over shadows all the benefits that has come from these energy sources.- household waste, industrial waste, commercial waste, loss of fossil fuels and the release of poisons in to the atmosphere all threaten to change the physical face of the planet. How humans adjust to these changes remains to be seen.

I was standing on the millennium bridge recently looking at the spectacular skyline of London at night, and I was admiring how beautiful it was when it was lit up. My enjoyment was hollow though, as I was more than aware of the irreversible damage that was being done to the planet for me to enjoy this light show.
I considered the dichotomy of life.
It was pretty, but essentially unnecessary, it looked nice but served little purpose other than that of ostentation. Most of the building that where lit where empty and many of the brightest lights are over advertising boards. Street lights where excessive in number and of an old design which made them wasteful and inefficient.
Only once the fuel that is used to lighten up the night skies of London is obtained from reusable or sustainable sources, I will be able fully to enjoy it.
But what could those sources be I hear you ask?
For those that know that all life is just energy and that energy never dies, it only ever transforms, it is easy to conceive of methods to obtain and create energy in many different ways.
Here’s one: miniature turbines under the pavement that produce and collect energy as people walk over them. They could be under the roads and pavements and would consist of a small air filled pouch that was connected to a turbine, as people or cars past over them the air would be squeezed out thru the turbine creating a small amount of electrical energy which could be stored. They are small and alone would produce only a little energy but if the highways and path ways of Britain where covered with them we would produce so much energy that we would have surplus amounts of it.
It would be free to produce other than the set up costs; it would be clean, sustainable and out of sight.
Just a thought

This form of energy production is not very profitable for company’s looking to maintain control and sales of energy production. There are very little production costs other than the initial start up costs and maintenance, and it would be produced by the populous thus making it difficult to claim ownership of the energy produced. This is a very unprofitable proposition for the many energy companies who currently sell us energy
Energy companies know that their days are numbered and that is why they are so intent on trying to gain control over any new developments in the field of energy production.
They are keen to be seen as developing new ways of generating energy that is clean, reusable and sustainable but in reality they are the ones who hold the patents on many new methodology but will not release them until the time is right for them economically.
Money is at the heart of this problem too, as with most things, because there is an economic stability that needs to be maintained whilst the transition is made over to new types of fuel development. That is if increased profits are the main objective and not humanity’s evolutional development.
We have arrive at a time of “acquired knowledge” and are now progressing towards the age of “application of knowledge”
We must remember that the evolution of the human race is a work in progress and we in this time are merely playing our part in turning the wheels.
It may be that our role here is no more than to see how far we have come, how far we have yet to go and to direct the course of our progression towards that future.
A future with clean, sustainable or renewable energy sources. Sources which work with rather than against the planet.
This is where you can help make a change by changing your lifestyle; it is your lifestyle which requires that economic situation. Work towards producing your own energy and producing your own crops. Seek out methods of fuelling your lifestyle in ways that are clean and sustainable such as running your car on vegetable oil. Give up your unseasonable veg, switch off your electric appliances, let go of your plastic bags and stop buying things if they are un-necessary.
Question what are your wants and what are your needs and do they match?
For example, do you want a disposable lighter or do you need one? I would suggest you use a zippo or refillable lighter. I would suggest that the extra effort or cost incurred to make that happen would be worth it if it means not flooding the lands that we live on or poisoning the waters we drink from.
Added to that ask yourself just how much you need to go on holiday abroad when you haven’t even seen half of your home country, ask yourself just how much do you really need to make that trip by plane and not train and then ask your self just how indulgent are you that you can take “holidays” at all, at the cost of humanity’s future.
I only present these questions as a way of starting you down a road of exploration on the issues facing climate change and energy consumption, as one answer will lead to another question about our individual role in this matter.
Energy companies will change upon demand and only at an economically favourable time. So it is up to us as individuals to stop requiring such “old school” energy production as we have now, and we must request change from these companies.
Customers must demand new sources of energy but must be willing to pay the cost of this change.
We must be willing to change our lifestyles, so as to change the direction of this planets physical Course
We must remember that the evolution of the human race is a work in progress and we in this time are merely playing our part in turning the wheels.

Thursday, 2 August 2007
everything is politics
Everything in life must have its purpose, and so must Goatboy’s pen. This blog has been struggling to find its raison d’etre since its creation but after looking back over the past posts I found that they have become increasingly politicised. But then ….Everything is politics,
and so it is that Goatboy’s pen has decided that this is to be a place for political commentary, delivered in goatboy's own unique style.
so with that said, to the matters at hand
This week:

After his 9 year incarceration, enforced by a corrupt judicial system, for a crime with no supporting evidence, concocted in order to remove him from being a voice for the people…Jah Cure is free from prison.
The details of his charges are irrelevant for this post and if you wish to learn more about the trumped up charges they hit him with , please do so in your own time as I will not waste any more words on them.
There was much jubilation and celebration in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica where fans greeted him on his release.
Jah Cure said, "Life goes on - this is earth – a lot of things happen." He also said "there is no room for negativity but only for forthrightness and humility in full faith of the power of Jah Almighty."
his message to the youth was plain and simple. He said, "Stay focused - no need to go down certain roads whether purposefully or not. Be conscious - don’t try certain things – stay away from certain things
His music is where you will find out what these “certain things” are ,and it was for this reason that he was locked up in the first place.
The authorities and the “powers that be” are displeased when people suggest that there may be other lifestyle choices and types of behaviour that you can live your life by which do not support a capitalist regime or even make you pay taxes.
you may end up not even recognising such regimes and governments as a part of your reality at all.
He was producing such great,conscious music which was being heard by and educating so many people that, it is my opinion, he was locked up so as to remove his ability to be heard by anybody, anymore.
This is not the first time that it has happened to a wise outspoken soul nor will it be the last , but we can take great comfort and joy from knowing that , just like Mandela before him, his day will come, his words will be heard and the truth will out.
He is currently penning a book and is getting back to the studio to put down his new material…..I cant wait to hear it.
The world better watch out, now that Jah Cure is back at the mic.
Jah Cure feat. Fantan Mojah - Nuh Build Great Man
Jah \cure- filmed in prison
Drugs in sports- cycling and the tour de farce

So cyclists are taking performance enhancing drugs are they? Well the clue is in the title- ”performance enhancing”.
In this age where competition is all about performance and no longer about taking part, I think it would be bloody obvious that cyclists and most sports men and women for that matter, are going to be taking performance enhancers.
The problem that people seem to have with this is that it is some how unfair on the other competitors who are not taking them (why not??!!??) and also that it is in some way unnatural or cheating to take such enhancers. This seems like nostalgic folly to me (the bike isn't natural for a start).
As with everything in life from small amoebas to mobile phones all things will evolve with time. Amoebas get larger and phones get smaller but in all cases it is so as to be an improved version of the last.
Runners are faster, cyclists are quicker, footballers are fitter, triathlons are longer and even darts has gone alcohol free. Sportspeople are judged on their achievements and there performances and not for their taking part, so it will be that the aim of any sportsperson is to be able to perform to best of their physical ability….
deciding what methods are used in attempting to achieve this, is when the drugs problem rears is head. There are guidelines which govern which drugs are legal and which are not legal to use in aiding the body’s fitness and this is why there is a problem. All drugs should be allowed to be used or none at all, and to ban all drugs from use would be a nonsense because then you would have to quantify just what is a drug? tetrahydrogestrinone? , caffine? the sugar in a banana? Or all three?
The problem is that with all of the acquired knowledge now available to humankind it is possible to create an almost infinite amount of drugs for producing very specific and different effects, to aid the human body in achieving athletic feats. It is my opinion that all and any techniques/drugs or methods should be allowed in all sports.
A handful of commentators maintain that, as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalized. However, most disagree with this assertion, pointing out the harmful long-term effects of many doping agents. With doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences. - wikipedia
Maybe there could be a separate competition for athletes that wanted to remain drug free and then the best from the drugged up athletes and the best from the dope free sports folk could go head to head in a showdown.
With a legalisation of all drugs Sportspeople would require a knowledge of chemistry and physics to go with the biology they already know.
Sport would be complete.
At the moment sportspeople, as we have seen in the “tour de farce” this week, are all ready combining these 3 sciences to great effect, the only problem is the archaic rules that are governing the sports deem it illegal to do so.
On a side note….
I thought it was a bit rich that champion cyclist lance Armstrong was having a go at the “drug takers” this week, wasn’t he a man who beat cancer before winning his tours?
i dont mean to sound harsh, but Im sure that there were plenty of wonder drugs used in beating his cancer and it wasn’t done by drinking orange juice and doing sit ups was it? No! it was lots and lots of drugs…lovely, powerful body performance enhancing drugs.! no I wont be easy on him just because he had cancer. What does he want? a fucking medal. Hes got 7 of them…and all down to orange juice apparently.
anyway now for your edutainment...
anthony b - kicks knowledge live
jr kelly speaks wise
forward the revolution
and so it is that Goatboy’s pen has decided that this is to be a place for political commentary, delivered in goatboy's own unique style.
so with that said, to the matters at hand
This week:

After his 9 year incarceration, enforced by a corrupt judicial system, for a crime with no supporting evidence, concocted in order to remove him from being a voice for the people…Jah Cure is free from prison.
The details of his charges are irrelevant for this post and if you wish to learn more about the trumped up charges they hit him with , please do so in your own time as I will not waste any more words on them.
There was much jubilation and celebration in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica where fans greeted him on his release.
Jah Cure said, "Life goes on - this is earth – a lot of things happen." He also said "there is no room for negativity but only for forthrightness and humility in full faith of the power of Jah Almighty."
his message to the youth was plain and simple. He said, "Stay focused - no need to go down certain roads whether purposefully or not. Be conscious - don’t try certain things – stay away from certain things
His music is where you will find out what these “certain things” are ,and it was for this reason that he was locked up in the first place.
The authorities and the “powers that be” are displeased when people suggest that there may be other lifestyle choices and types of behaviour that you can live your life by which do not support a capitalist regime or even make you pay taxes.
you may end up not even recognising such regimes and governments as a part of your reality at all.
He was producing such great,conscious music which was being heard by and educating so many people that, it is my opinion, he was locked up so as to remove his ability to be heard by anybody, anymore.
This is not the first time that it has happened to a wise outspoken soul nor will it be the last , but we can take great comfort and joy from knowing that , just like Mandela before him, his day will come, his words will be heard and the truth will out.
He is currently penning a book and is getting back to the studio to put down his new material…..I cant wait to hear it.
The world better watch out, now that Jah Cure is back at the mic.
Jah Cure feat. Fantan Mojah - Nuh Build Great Man
Jah \cure- filmed in prison
Drugs in sports- cycling and the tour de farce

So cyclists are taking performance enhancing drugs are they? Well the clue is in the title- ”performance enhancing”.
In this age where competition is all about performance and no longer about taking part, I think it would be bloody obvious that cyclists and most sports men and women for that matter, are going to be taking performance enhancers.
The problem that people seem to have with this is that it is some how unfair on the other competitors who are not taking them (why not??!!??) and also that it is in some way unnatural or cheating to take such enhancers. This seems like nostalgic folly to me (the bike isn't natural for a start).
As with everything in life from small amoebas to mobile phones all things will evolve with time. Amoebas get larger and phones get smaller but in all cases it is so as to be an improved version of the last.
Runners are faster, cyclists are quicker, footballers are fitter, triathlons are longer and even darts has gone alcohol free. Sportspeople are judged on their achievements and there performances and not for their taking part, so it will be that the aim of any sportsperson is to be able to perform to best of their physical ability….
deciding what methods are used in attempting to achieve this, is when the drugs problem rears is head. There are guidelines which govern which drugs are legal and which are not legal to use in aiding the body’s fitness and this is why there is a problem. All drugs should be allowed to be used or none at all, and to ban all drugs from use would be a nonsense because then you would have to quantify just what is a drug? tetrahydrogestrinone? , caffine? the sugar in a banana? Or all three?
The problem is that with all of the acquired knowledge now available to humankind it is possible to create an almost infinite amount of drugs for producing very specific and different effects, to aid the human body in achieving athletic feats. It is my opinion that all and any techniques/drugs or methods should be allowed in all sports.
A handful of commentators maintain that, as outright prevention of doping is an impossibility, all doping should be legalized. However, most disagree with this assertion, pointing out the harmful long-term effects of many doping agents. With doping legal, all competitive athletes would be compelled to use drugs, the net effect would be a level playing field but with widespread health consequences. - wikipedia
Maybe there could be a separate competition for athletes that wanted to remain drug free and then the best from the drugged up athletes and the best from the dope free sports folk could go head to head in a showdown.
With a legalisation of all drugs Sportspeople would require a knowledge of chemistry and physics to go with the biology they already know.
Sport would be complete.
At the moment sportspeople, as we have seen in the “tour de farce” this week, are all ready combining these 3 sciences to great effect, the only problem is the archaic rules that are governing the sports deem it illegal to do so.
On a side note….
I thought it was a bit rich that champion cyclist lance Armstrong was having a go at the “drug takers” this week, wasn’t he a man who beat cancer before winning his tours?
i dont mean to sound harsh, but Im sure that there were plenty of wonder drugs used in beating his cancer and it wasn’t done by drinking orange juice and doing sit ups was it? No! it was lots and lots of drugs…lovely, powerful body performance enhancing drugs.! no I wont be easy on him just because he had cancer. What does he want? a fucking medal. Hes got 7 of them…and all down to orange juice apparently.
anyway now for your edutainment...
anthony b - kicks knowledge live
jr kelly speaks wise
forward the revolution
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Thatcher's reforms are to blame for 7/7
First things appears, with hind sight that I may have been a little harsh in my last post when noting the death of Glastonbury due to a corporate murder carried out by twats wearing fashionably essential mud on their Donna Karen and Pradas. I had taken exception to the way it is organised, policed and priced so as to keep away the very people who first started the festival. However from those who were able to attended and obtain a ticket to get you past the Israeli border style security gates I here that great times where had and the experience was a much enjoyed one so for that I am very glad and apologize for putting a downer on it.
Now... to more interesting issues. the roots of Islamic extremism.

I have just read Ed Hussain's book "The Islamist", which is a fascinating and insightful recount of a London born and raised Bangladeshi man, and his journey towards extremist Islamist ideals.
The story he tells starts of with him as a young Asian boy, with glasses, who is a bit of an outcast amongst his fellow pupils at school and who attends Stepny Green in Hackney. An important fact is the time in which this took place.
He was starting school at the time when Margaret Thatcher was disbanding the I.L.E.A, (the London education authority) which was responsible for the running and funding of London's schools. She then placed the funding and organising of schools in to the hands of local authorities. Under qualified, under resourced and undermined local authority's.
Hackney of coarse was one of the poorest boroughs in the country and had little money to provide the means for a decent schooling. It also had the highest Asian population in the country.
This essentially led to thousands of young Asian men in the borough getting very little access to good education.
A bad education or only a little information are a dangerous thing.
His path towards his extremist views was mapped out by a combination of politically minded individuals, who took advantage of him and his willingness to learn, and his ego driven ideas born out of an ill education.
He had adopted all manner of highly dangerous political ideals born out of irrational, emotionally charged opinions, unsupported by facts, logic or any kind of rational. It was only later in life after he gained himself an education, done by means of formal study in a supportive and secular environment, that he realised the ignorance and harm of his extreme totalitarian political beliefs which he had previously owned.
The point here is that it was the heartless Conservative, social policy reforms of the late 80's ,which denied education,employment, and opportunity to the people who needed it most, that Mrs Thatcher implemented, which are responsible for the many, ill educated young men, who are now susceptible to the teachers of politicised Islamic teachings.
Margaret Thatcher and her right-wing social reforms are to blame for the 7/7 London bomb attacks as much as anything or anyone else is ....probably more
knowledge is the key to understanding
The heavens love nothing higher than a scholar
education,education,education..... Ive heard that before somewhere? cant think where
more soon folks....
and don't forget.....
...cos we wont
Now... to more interesting issues. the roots of Islamic extremism.

I have just read Ed Hussain's book "The Islamist", which is a fascinating and insightful recount of a London born and raised Bangladeshi man, and his journey towards extremist Islamist ideals.
The story he tells starts of with him as a young Asian boy, with glasses, who is a bit of an outcast amongst his fellow pupils at school and who attends Stepny Green in Hackney. An important fact is the time in which this took place.
He was starting school at the time when Margaret Thatcher was disbanding the I.L.E.A, (the London education authority) which was responsible for the running and funding of London's schools. She then placed the funding and organising of schools in to the hands of local authorities. Under qualified, under resourced and undermined local authority's.
Hackney of coarse was one of the poorest boroughs in the country and had little money to provide the means for a decent schooling. It also had the highest Asian population in the country.
This essentially led to thousands of young Asian men in the borough getting very little access to good education.
A bad education or only a little information are a dangerous thing.
His path towards his extremist views was mapped out by a combination of politically minded individuals, who took advantage of him and his willingness to learn, and his ego driven ideas born out of an ill education.
He had adopted all manner of highly dangerous political ideals born out of irrational, emotionally charged opinions, unsupported by facts, logic or any kind of rational. It was only later in life after he gained himself an education, done by means of formal study in a supportive and secular environment, that he realised the ignorance and harm of his extreme totalitarian political beliefs which he had previously owned.
The point here is that it was the heartless Conservative, social policy reforms of the late 80's ,which denied education,employment, and opportunity to the people who needed it most, that Mrs Thatcher implemented, which are responsible for the many, ill educated young men, who are now susceptible to the teachers of politicised Islamic teachings.
Margaret Thatcher and her right-wing social reforms are to blame for the 7/7 London bomb attacks as much as anything or anyone else is ....probably more
knowledge is the key to understanding
The heavens love nothing higher than a scholar
education,education,education..... Ive heard that before somewhere? cant think where
more soon folks....
and don't forget.....

...cos we wont
Monday, 9 July 2007
Mark Thomas, birthdays and the death of Glastonbury
It has been an eventful time that Goatboy has endured these past few weeks, what with the snake leaving Downing street ( and in the most undignified manner too….oh how I laughed when he arrived back in his constituency and the mischievous little curators of fates made his car late to pick him up and he suffered the most shameful of ego-deflating moments by trying to get in to wrong vehicle only to be told that his was not the “Lexus” but the shitty looking hatchback over the road ahahaha SHAME! hahaha).
Goatboy has also been ordained as a year older in earthly years and as such has been partaking in the expected rituals as is the custom with this occasion. Bacchus has been a constant companion over these festivities and as much as he is loved by Goatboy, it is a relief that he has left , as it is to awaken without hearing the bells of death ringing inside ones cranium.
So firstly…
A big “thank you” to all of you who made the snakes exit such an uneasy one.
Well done to you all
Seeing Mark Thomas talk was a great pleasure and if I was a critic I would have to quit or change my job description to promoter because it was close to perfect - if such a thing there is.
One man , a Voice and his words that told stories that where captivating, humorous, insightful, informative and most of all important.
(for as the quote goes.. “if what you have to say is not greater than silence, stay silent”)
He spoke about SoCa , this is the law which has made it illegal to demonstrate anywhere near Parliament without official police permission.
This was brought in essentially to deal with Brian Haw (or so they claim), David Blunkett even said “it is a sledge hammer to crack a nut, but he is a nut” - but even that missed, as Brian Haw is the one person exempt from the law because he was there before it was brought in and the law can not work in retrospect!
Mark Thomas gave a riveting account of his efforts to combat this law by inundating the police with requests for lone demos, with demonstrations being waged on everything from banning trolls to saving surrealism.
He also talked about the arms trade and his investigations in to the dark and murky world of selling weapons. All information is available from his web site here….

And look out for the McDemos company he has set up and have him hold a demo on your behave . You can demonstrate against anything you like from the comfort of your own living room! Well worth a look.
In other news ……
War –
Famine –
Slavery –
Corruption –
Greed –
Are all up this week, while;
Peace –
Sharing –
Freedom –
Honesty –
Are all down this week ,as the stock market for global harmony took a nose dive due to the huge expenditure and general ignorance at the Earth-day and Diana-day debacles.
This did not help the shaky situation that had already been created by the death of Glastonbury when the corporate capitalist love-fest that has now become, fucked the last breath of life out of it.
Lets hope for better things next week
Anthony B - Mr. Heartless
Goatboy has also been ordained as a year older in earthly years and as such has been partaking in the expected rituals as is the custom with this occasion. Bacchus has been a constant companion over these festivities and as much as he is loved by Goatboy, it is a relief that he has left , as it is to awaken without hearing the bells of death ringing inside ones cranium.
So firstly…
A big “thank you” to all of you who made the snakes exit such an uneasy one.
Well done to you all
Seeing Mark Thomas talk was a great pleasure and if I was a critic I would have to quit or change my job description to promoter because it was close to perfect - if such a thing there is.
One man , a Voice and his words that told stories that where captivating, humorous, insightful, informative and most of all important.
(for as the quote goes.. “if what you have to say is not greater than silence, stay silent”)
He spoke about SoCa , this is the law which has made it illegal to demonstrate anywhere near Parliament without official police permission.
This was brought in essentially to deal with Brian Haw (or so they claim), David Blunkett even said “it is a sledge hammer to crack a nut, but he is a nut” - but even that missed, as Brian Haw is the one person exempt from the law because he was there before it was brought in and the law can not work in retrospect!
Mark Thomas gave a riveting account of his efforts to combat this law by inundating the police with requests for lone demos, with demonstrations being waged on everything from banning trolls to saving surrealism.
He also talked about the arms trade and his investigations in to the dark and murky world of selling weapons. All information is available from his web site here….

And look out for the McDemos company he has set up and have him hold a demo on your behave . You can demonstrate against anything you like from the comfort of your own living room! Well worth a look.
In other news ……
War –
Famine –
Slavery –
Corruption –
Greed –
Are all up this week, while;
Peace –
Sharing –
Freedom –
Honesty –
Are all down this week ,as the stock market for global harmony took a nose dive due to the huge expenditure and general ignorance at the Earth-day and Diana-day debacles.
This did not help the shaky situation that had already been created by the death of Glastonbury when the corporate capitalist love-fest that has now become, fucked the last breath of life out of it.
Lets hope for better things next week
Anthony B - Mr. Heartless
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The day has come and the rat has gone
Protest at Downing Street on Blair's last day
London Wednesday 27 June
From 10am
Join Military Families Against The War
Supported By Stop The War Coalition
Military Families Against the War, supported by Stop the War Coalition, are planning to make Wednesday 27 June an anti-war day in Downing Street.
This is the day Tony Blair leaves office to be replaced by Gordon Brown.
Tony Blair will leave Downing Street in the morning and our protest will begin at 10am. Gordon Brown will enter in the afternoon (we will publicise the time as soon as we get it), when Military Families Against the War will deliver him a letter asking him to meet them, a request that Blair has turned down repeatedly over the past three years.
Please join us to make sure that Blair’s last day in office is marked by his true legacy: up to one million killed in Iraq, over four million Iraqis – one in seven of the population – now refugees and 151 British soldiers killed in an illegal and unnecessary war.
With Goatboy going to see Mark Thomas later on in the week I thought I'd leave it to him to give a few words on this day, when we can finally breath a sigh of relief that the wretched politician that was Tony Bliar is gone. Thank the heavens....
I have also reposted Brian Haws speech because he is one man who has been there with Tony for nearly his whole time in office, only Brian wasn't in an office or even a building but camping outside the Houses Of Parliament, relentlessly reminding those inside of there crimes. His words ring out load and clear both in this clip and on his megaphone at Parliament Square and it hard not to love him for it.(unless your a heartless basted bathing in bath of blood money that)
See ya Tony ...Run along..... and don't come back!!
Mark Thomas - Politics boring
Brian Haw - Most Inspiring Political Figure 2007
London Wednesday 27 June
From 10am
Join Military Families Against The War
Supported By Stop The War Coalition
Military Families Against the War, supported by Stop the War Coalition, are planning to make Wednesday 27 June an anti-war day in Downing Street.
This is the day Tony Blair leaves office to be replaced by Gordon Brown.
Tony Blair will leave Downing Street in the morning and our protest will begin at 10am. Gordon Brown will enter in the afternoon (we will publicise the time as soon as we get it), when Military Families Against the War will deliver him a letter asking him to meet them, a request that Blair has turned down repeatedly over the past three years.
Please join us to make sure that Blair’s last day in office is marked by his true legacy: up to one million killed in Iraq, over four million Iraqis – one in seven of the population – now refugees and 151 British soldiers killed in an illegal and unnecessary war.
With Goatboy going to see Mark Thomas later on in the week I thought I'd leave it to him to give a few words on this day, when we can finally breath a sigh of relief that the wretched politician that was Tony Bliar is gone. Thank the heavens....
I have also reposted Brian Haws speech because he is one man who has been there with Tony for nearly his whole time in office, only Brian wasn't in an office or even a building but camping outside the Houses Of Parliament, relentlessly reminding those inside of there crimes. His words ring out load and clear both in this clip and on his megaphone at Parliament Square and it hard not to love him for it.(unless your a heartless basted bathing in bath of blood money that)
See ya Tony ...Run along..... and don't come back!!
Mark Thomas - Politics boring
Brian Haw - Most Inspiring Political Figure 2007
Monday, 25 June 2007
JAH Ras'Tafari, See Tony run as we bun down Babylon!
Due to circumstances that require me to meditate over matters material rather than write about them i am going to leave words to a minimum from myself today and leave the words of wisdom and edutainment to some fine and respected voices.
The "Good riddance Tony" theme is still an influence behind this selection of musical enlighteners, although i feel that the overall tone is one that presents a very different idea of how we could be experiencing this existence than that held by your average educated fool.
Let love be our light and the pain be our reason
Anthony B - Mr. Heartless
Anthony B and Sizzla Live
Bob Marley Natural Mystic
Bob Marley Concrete Jungle
Could You Be Loved - Ziggy, Damian, Ky-Mani & Stephen Marley
JAH Ras'Tafari
When all is said and done, life goes on and we have only our memories to live it through.
Remember them well and speak of them fondly
The "Good riddance Tony" theme is still an influence behind this selection of musical enlighteners, although i feel that the overall tone is one that presents a very different idea of how we could be experiencing this existence than that held by your average educated fool.
Let love be our light and the pain be our reason
Anthony B - Mr. Heartless
Anthony B and Sizzla Live
Bob Marley Natural Mystic
Bob Marley Concrete Jungle
Could You Be Loved - Ziggy, Damian, Ky-Mani & Stephen Marley
JAH Ras'Tafari
When all is said and done, life goes on and we have only our memories to live it through.
Remember them well and speak of them fondly
Friday, 22 June 2007
.....and kick him on the way out!
So with Tony slowly making his way out of the exit lets take a quick moment to ask just where it all went wrong for the man so full of hope when he first arrived on the scene.
He came to power with promises to clean up politics and left it looking dirtier than a club toilet off the back streets of Soho,
Personally I think his world changed when he got to spend a cozy night with his future dominatrix, G.W Bush., at Camp David,
The hopeful and naive young man that he was when he arrived at No.10 was gone by the time he returned from his camping trip with Dubbya and what was left was a pathetic gimp of a man who looks as if he would like to cry. He was/is a naive God fearing prat, lets not forget, and I think that when he got to Camp David he realized that G.W threatening to kill him, his wife and his kids unless he shut up and followed orders was more scary than some fictional hell. Since that day he realized that he wasn’t a great inspirational and (to quote Labour) New, type of Politician, he was a simple pawn like all the others before him and all the rest to follow him.
here's today's little bit of fun and all at Tony's expense ( still i think he owes us that much at least!)
Time Trumpet - Blairs Decent into madness
Tony Blair and George Bush - It Wasn't Me
i’ll leave it to George Galloway to sum up Tony’s legacy , because what ever opinion you might have of him he certainly hits the nail on the head here when describing T.Bliar in this clip
ill have more comedy for you tomorrow and some music too cos that basted cant have all the focus
actualy with that said let me post this little gem for you so that you can listern to a real spoksman for the people, the great (and dare i say Prophet) Robert Nesta Marley
Bob Marley interview in New Zealand 1979
He came to power with promises to clean up politics and left it looking dirtier than a club toilet off the back streets of Soho,
Personally I think his world changed when he got to spend a cozy night with his future dominatrix, G.W Bush., at Camp David,
The hopeful and naive young man that he was when he arrived at No.10 was gone by the time he returned from his camping trip with Dubbya and what was left was a pathetic gimp of a man who looks as if he would like to cry. He was/is a naive God fearing prat, lets not forget, and I think that when he got to Camp David he realized that G.W threatening to kill him, his wife and his kids unless he shut up and followed orders was more scary than some fictional hell. Since that day he realized that he wasn’t a great inspirational and (to quote Labour) New, type of Politician, he was a simple pawn like all the others before him and all the rest to follow him.
here's today's little bit of fun and all at Tony's expense ( still i think he owes us that much at least!)
Time Trumpet - Blairs Decent into madness
Tony Blair and George Bush - It Wasn't Me
i’ll leave it to George Galloway to sum up Tony’s legacy , because what ever opinion you might have of him he certainly hits the nail on the head here when describing T.Bliar in this clip
ill have more comedy for you tomorrow and some music too cos that basted cant have all the focus
actualy with that said let me post this little gem for you so that you can listern to a real spoksman for the people, the great (and dare i say Prophet) Robert Nesta Marley
Bob Marley interview in New Zealand 1979
Thursday, 21 June 2007
See ya Tony..won't wanna be ya!
Education, education, education and being tough on crime were among the keywords of Tony Blair's first Prime Ministerial campaign.
Well he has managed to educate us in the folly of trusting politicians who make promises but can’t keep them.
He has tried to educate us in to accepting misinformation and political rhetoric as fact and he has tried to educate us in to thinking that we should be fearful and untrusting and suspicious, and as for being tough on crime I think it is fair to say that he may be one of the biggest criminals and mass murderous in recent history.
So..Thanks Tony. Thanks for the ego fueled runaway train that you have had us all riding along with you on for the past ten years, or at least since you returned from Camp David, (what did happen to Tony over there? I have my theories but I will save those for later in the week when I post more about the leader we are about to lose, thank God!...and not before time either),
I'm glad his time at the helm is over, not because I think that there will be some great and radical change in the way that politics is carried out in the halls parliament with out his wicked influence ‘cos it wont happen, but because I simply cant stand seeing this degenerative, deflated and crazed looking husk of a man any more. He looks like a mad old dog that needs to be shown outside because it cant find the door for itself ….. more of my thoughts on Tony each day as we count down to his big “Fuck Off” party and I don’t mean big.
so until then lets just enjoy these clips of Tony …as they say in Big Brother:
“ Tony, Here are your best bits ”……………
It all started with a kiss.... Tony's love affair that ruined him
British PM Tony Blair admits Iraq "disaster" so far
Should I stay or should I go?
This clip shows part 1 of ex-MI5 Officer, Annie Machon speaking at a "Trial of Tony Blair". The trial was a fringe event at the Labour Party Spring Conference held in Manchester, UK on 12 March 2004--organised
by the Stop the War Coalition. (ChrisEdwards2004 youtube)
Goodbye Blair
more tomorrow.....
Well he has managed to educate us in the folly of trusting politicians who make promises but can’t keep them.
He has tried to educate us in to accepting misinformation and political rhetoric as fact and he has tried to educate us in to thinking that we should be fearful and untrusting and suspicious, and as for being tough on crime I think it is fair to say that he may be one of the biggest criminals and mass murderous in recent history.
So..Thanks Tony. Thanks for the ego fueled runaway train that you have had us all riding along with you on for the past ten years, or at least since you returned from Camp David, (what did happen to Tony over there? I have my theories but I will save those for later in the week when I post more about the leader we are about to lose, thank God!...and not before time either),
I'm glad his time at the helm is over, not because I think that there will be some great and radical change in the way that politics is carried out in the halls parliament with out his wicked influence ‘cos it wont happen, but because I simply cant stand seeing this degenerative, deflated and crazed looking husk of a man any more. He looks like a mad old dog that needs to be shown outside because it cant find the door for itself ….. more of my thoughts on Tony each day as we count down to his big “Fuck Off” party and I don’t mean big.
so until then lets just enjoy these clips of Tony …as they say in Big Brother:
“ Tony, Here are your best bits ”……………
It all started with a kiss.... Tony's love affair that ruined him
British PM Tony Blair admits Iraq "disaster" so far
Should I stay or should I go?
This clip shows part 1 of ex-MI5 Officer, Annie Machon speaking at a "Trial of Tony Blair". The trial was a fringe event at the Labour Party Spring Conference held in Manchester, UK on 12 March 2004--organised
by the Stop the War Coalition. (ChrisEdwards2004 youtube)
Goodbye Blair
more tomorrow.....
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Police invasion of Finsbury Park Station
I happened to be in krapyrubsnif otherwise known as Finsbury park when I noticed that something was terribly wrong. I wanted to get on the underground service but when I arrived at what I thought was the station I was confronted by so many police that I thought I was at the cop shop. I was wrong and to my surprise I wasn’t at the local butchers despite the smell of pig and I was actually at Finsbury park underground staion but the police had decided that they where going to place a metal detector at each exit and search everybody that came out..or at least search the ones that their pig ignorant prejudice minds wanted to search, which meant young lads with African or Caribbean heritage.
What are they trying to achieve here?
How is this effective policing?
Why are they all standing around with their hands in their pockets?
How is this NOT an invasion of civil liberties?
How is this even legal?
Haven’t they got better things that they could be doing? Why are they all so thick? I guess that’s why don’t they realize that they and the police force as an entity only exist as a piece of theater to give the public peace of mind.
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.
I took this footage so as to show just what an imposing site it was for someone who just wanted to get a tube home but happened to have a couple of grams of herbal medicine in his pocket, which shouldn’t be a problem, but due to some very old and bizarre legal laws still in place about it, it was a problem to have it now. After taking the footage I went around the corner, stuck the offending herbs in my shoe and proceeded to run the gauntlet of trying to get a tube train with out P.C Fukwit wanting to touch me up and stick his fingers up my bottom.
Thankfully P.C Fukwit was busy trying to work out why it gets darker when he puts his sunglasses on, so I was able to pass him without any drama….this time. I have been less fortunate in the past in this very same situation.
You may not think that this manner of policing is a problem and that they are doing a valuable and important task, especially since 7-11, and that in these times a terrorist could be boarding the tube with a bomb and that this could stop him…etc etc. well that is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part is all I need to say about that.
I will repeat
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.
So you should be concerned with seeing this kind of police activity because today its weed smokers and kids with out the money for a ticket that they are coming for….but tomorrow it could be you.
First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Muslim.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left
to speak up for me.
In the words of the great voice of the people Mr. Ice T….”Fuck da Po’Lice”
What are they trying to achieve here?
How is this effective policing?
Why are they all standing around with their hands in their pockets?
How is this NOT an invasion of civil liberties?
How is this even legal?
Haven’t they got better things that they could be doing? Why are they all so thick? I guess that’s why don’t they realize that they and the police force as an entity only exist as a piece of theater to give the public peace of mind.
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.
I took this footage so as to show just what an imposing site it was for someone who just wanted to get a tube home but happened to have a couple of grams of herbal medicine in his pocket, which shouldn’t be a problem, but due to some very old and bizarre legal laws still in place about it, it was a problem to have it now. After taking the footage I went around the corner, stuck the offending herbs in my shoe and proceeded to run the gauntlet of trying to get a tube train with out P.C Fukwit wanting to touch me up and stick his fingers up my bottom.
Thankfully P.C Fukwit was busy trying to work out why it gets darker when he puts his sunglasses on, so I was able to pass him without any drama….this time. I have been less fortunate in the past in this very same situation.
You may not think that this manner of policing is a problem and that they are doing a valuable and important task, especially since 7-11, and that in these times a terrorist could be boarding the tube with a bomb and that this could stop him…etc etc. well that is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part is all I need to say about that.
I will repeat
They cannot nor will they ever be able to do anything to prevent crime or its cause. They can and will only ever be able to give the appearance of doing so.
So you should be concerned with seeing this kind of police activity because today its weed smokers and kids with out the money for a ticket that they are coming for….but tomorrow it could be you.
First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Muslim.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left
to speak up for me.
In the words of the great voice of the people Mr. Ice T….”Fuck da Po’Lice”
Monday, 18 June 2007
Make Geldof History

Bob Geldof is a self promoting egotist who's efforts to see an end to global poverty are nothing more than a vehicle for Bob to ease his own conscience about the huge home that he owns and the vast capitol and wealth that he has.
I had the chance to ask him about this after the "MakePovertyHistory" rally in Trafalgar square.....having cornered him as he was having his ego stroked by autographs hunters and I told him that I thought his speech was nice and all, but it lacked any actual power. I told him he had not talked about what we would have to do in order to make poverty history...
"but Bob, what did you ask the people to change ?" I asked "You didn’t ask them to stop consuming or change their habits did you Bob? Why not Bob?"........
He was drinking Champaign at the time and this question threw him a little....I think he thought I just wanted to be seen with him like everyone else there rather than engage with him on the reason we where there at all, but he did take the time to think about it ( I could hear cogs churning over) and then he told me ..
" but that’s cos they don’t have to give up anything!"
he then rose his arms up as if in a victory celebration at this gem of wisdom he had spouted. The crowd loved it and cheered him.
I was less impressed...
"but Bob that’s a nonsense" I said, his arms came down. "we all have to make a decision on how, why and with whom we are going to spend our money don't we? if we are to really going to "make poverty history". I mean its all a matter of capitalism isn’t it?..let me give you an example...."
" you like my outfit Bob, I looks alright doesn’t it?". Bob looked and agreed it was a nice get up. I was, as the fates would have it, dressed in a very nice outfit that day, dark blue jeans, a nice dark sweater with a dark navy pin stripped jacket, a pair of no-name brand but slick looking trainers and a baseball cap that was also dark blue. No logo. It was, even if I say so myself , a fine ensemble of items that looked good...this is important not for my ego but for the purpose of the story.
" well thank you Bob, I do try and make an effort" i said "but the point here is that all this gear is form charity stores, all new and unworn and cost me about £15 head to toe.....even my socks are knitted by my girlfriend, and that’s the choice that I have made, Bob, to try and combat the capitalist machine that "makes poverty happen". I gave up my Nike trainers and Versace about you bob? what did you give up? How much was that nice coat your wearing Bob? see my point?"
Bob was wearing a very expensive looking full length coat, and his shoes where none to cheap looking ethier.
At this point Bob's face had changed and had the look of a man who was hearing his mother telling him off...he didn’t give me an answer, he just huffed a little and tutted, gave me a look that said your "cramping my style here", i cant be sure but think he even said "whatever" and then turned on his heels and walked in to his chauffeur driven Damlier...still with Champaign in a fancy glass ( a cracked t-cup would do me) and left. not even a wave to his fans.
What a twat.
so when you see Bob tell him you don’t like Mondays but he’s even harder to like.
tell you what Bob ill do a deal with give up your mansion home, stop indulging your ego with your greedy self serving desires, donate your wealth to the third world and ill stop telling everyone what a cunt you really are. deal?
lets make Geldof's chaaarritywagon history

Monday, 11 June 2007
Goatboy is back ..
Goatboys Pen has been left unattended in recent weeks but upon my return I am happy to find that it has survived unharmed and is and has been pleasantly resting in its own little corner of cyberspace.
In the most recent post's this blog has become more political in its expression, although its difficult not to do so as every thing is politics, however there is one avenue for political discourse that remains the most enjoyable and more importantly powerful than most forms of expression, comedy. In the camp of enlightenment comedy sits with art and music shining the way for any who see it.
Check out the comedy central "Axis of Evil Comedy Tour"
With the conflicts in the middle east, the war on Islam and the general ignorance that surrounds the West's consumerism which supports it, this comedy central show was a great opportunity for some of America's finest comics of Arabic and Middle Eastern heritage to have their say and express their perspective of life in America during these times.
watch the full show here
on a slightly lighter comic is Sarah Silverman ripping on Paris Hilton at the Mtv awards.
This has caused so much traffic and responses on youtube that it is amazing to think that this is what most Americans are getting their knickers in a twist about while half the world lies dying and are trying to see the funny side of that.
Fuck Paris Hilton and the pumpkin stage coach she rode in on
If you don't know Sarah Silverman then you should get to know her...
Sarah Silverman Rips Into Paris Hilton at Mtv Awards...
and to finish to days post her is some rare footage of the messiah of comedy Mr Bill Hicks
thanks to a guy called muhoboika on youtube for this.
Bill is was and always will be the master of comic timing,performance and content, all wrapped up in his own unique and honest free flowing form.

part 1
In the most recent post's this blog has become more political in its expression, although its difficult not to do so as every thing is politics, however there is one avenue for political discourse that remains the most enjoyable and more importantly powerful than most forms of expression, comedy. In the camp of enlightenment comedy sits with art and music shining the way for any who see it.
Check out the comedy central "Axis of Evil Comedy Tour"
With the conflicts in the middle east, the war on Islam and the general ignorance that surrounds the West's consumerism which supports it, this comedy central show was a great opportunity for some of America's finest comics of Arabic and Middle Eastern heritage to have their say and express their perspective of life in America during these times.
watch the full show here
on a slightly lighter comic is Sarah Silverman ripping on Paris Hilton at the Mtv awards.
This has caused so much traffic and responses on youtube that it is amazing to think that this is what most Americans are getting their knickers in a twist about while half the world lies dying and are trying to see the funny side of that.
Fuck Paris Hilton and the pumpkin stage coach she rode in on
If you don't know Sarah Silverman then you should get to know her...
Sarah Silverman Rips Into Paris Hilton at Mtv Awards...
and to finish to days post her is some rare footage of the messiah of comedy Mr Bill Hicks
thanks to a guy called muhoboika on youtube for this.
Bill is was and always will be the master of comic timing,performance and content, all wrapped up in his own unique and honest free flowing form.

part 1
Monday, 2 April 2007
Something smells fishy in the waters of Iraq

15 British soldiers are apparently captured in Iranian waters by Iranian military after mistakenly entering the restricted area.
The British response to this is to claim that the captured seaman where not in Iranian waters but within Iraq’s waters of which they have a right to be in and patrol.
The Iranians claim the opposite and have released video confession from the detainees admitting that they entered Iranian waters
The right to patrol and police these waters is in itself a dubious claim but that is not the issue which is most bizarre about this situation.
If the British soldiers where in Iraq waters, doing their usual patrols, how is it that they where able to be captured by the Iranians? They must be pretty useless soldiers. If they where in Iranian waters by accident, then it leads one to believe that these soldier’s orienting skills are somewhat lacking and are thus pretty useless soldiers.
The way that the British press is handling the situation is by turning it in to a human interest story and thus generating public support for the captured soldiers because it’s much easier to find sympathy with a young white chap from Essex called Dave than it is for Private 91354, and did I miss a memo? but why have they suddenly become “captured sailors” and not “captured soldiers” as was first reported. What a very subtle but very effective way of re-branding the captured military personal.
It all smells very much of what playground dwellers call “shit-stirring”- a tactic used to create a drama out of which can arise the opportunity for a punch-up. Only in this case it will be bullets and mortar rounds that will do the striking.
If the British Government are guilty of trying to make a crisis out of a drama they are not alone, and the Iranians are just as keen to play sillybuggers.
The Iranian government is also guilty of helping to instigate a skirmish by acting like the injured party aggrieved at the dishonesty of the invasion in to their waters and trying to draw Teachers attention to the outrages acts committed by their foe , for no other reason than to wind them up. The Iranian government stands behind Teachers back laughing with 2 fingers up as the British jump up and down spluttering “but. but…” getting more and more incensed at the apparent injustice of it all.
The whole situation is extremely fishy and I would doubt that it what hold up to any real investigation. The evidence is all rather flimsy and there remain a few odd questions…odd only because they have be asked.
Where the British soldiers in Iraq or Iranian waters? And did they know that they were there?
Did they go there on purpose or was it a genuine mistake?
Could the British have set this up in attempt to secure a reason to invade Iran?
Could the Iranian government be using this opportunity to try and secure the release of captured Iranian personal?
Is this a double bluff by one of the governments or a just a genuine diplomatic balls up by both?
A quote in today’s Guardian newspaper from an Iranian business man, Hamid,34 say “They should be released, The Iranian government is misusing it to deflect attention from other problems”
This could be said of the British Government also.
It’s a shame that the U.N cant act like the older, more responsible member of the playground and take a hold of the situation while teaching both of the squabbling little nations how to work their difference out sensibly.
However that’s probably far to much to ask as they have never been able to do that will more than likely shy away from the situation and sulk in the corner muttering to themselves asking why should they bother cos nobody ever listens to them anyway.
Monday, 19 March 2007
C.A.S.H - Consumers against shopping hysteria
If you cant stand the unstoppable flow of corporate branding and marketing gimmicks check out this blog.You will find anti-adverts, links to organisations and suggestions on ways to combat the infernal machine that sells us our hopes and dreams, as well as materials to aid you in you ventures.
Click the link in the "links page" box on the right >>>>>>>>>>>
Click the link in the "links page" box on the right >>>>>>>>>>>
Music is the food of love....
Goatboys'pen has posted a selection of music videos for your enjoyment and edutainment.
Music is food for the soul, a fuel for the expression of feelings that are otherwise unexplainable. It is though music that language transcends its limitations of construct and form and are allowed to break free to create entirely new meaning. We act as vehicles for the words to arrive and as such we see that out physical form is just a tool for the expression of the voice inside.
Damien Marley
It was written
KRS One, Paradise, Skinnyman and MCD - U Must Learn
27 Beats All Stars - Death Jam feat.See, Kope, Jon Clark, HP
The Return OF Hip Hop ft. Skrein, Nutty P
Skinny man
Task force / raw dog
Jehst - Nuke Proof Suit UK Hiphop Video
London Posse - Hows Life In London
BoB Marley
Stir it up
BoB Marley
Get up
BoB Marley
Forever loving Jah
Music is food for the soul, a fuel for the expression of feelings that are otherwise unexplainable. It is though music that language transcends its limitations of construct and form and are allowed to break free to create entirely new meaning. We act as vehicles for the words to arrive and as such we see that out physical form is just a tool for the expression of the voice inside.
Damien Marley
It was written
KRS One, Paradise, Skinnyman and MCD - U Must Learn
27 Beats All Stars - Death Jam feat.See, Kope, Jon Clark, HP
The Return OF Hip Hop ft. Skrein, Nutty P
Skinny man
Task force / raw dog
Jehst - Nuke Proof Suit UK Hiphop Video
London Posse - Hows Life In London
BoB Marley
Stir it up
BoB Marley
Get up
BoB Marley
Forever loving Jah
.......and Laughter is the best medicine
Goatboys'pen has, over the past few posts, become increasingly political, which was never the intention for this blogsite. In these times of global social and political conflict, it is important to remember that life is just a spell, just a passing moment in the memory banks of our psyches. We would do well to spend as much of the experience as we can , simply enjoying it for what it is..... and what is it? Well, who can tell?
can you?
so here is a collection of comic clips, routines and happenings to help you remember to smile and most importantly...not to take it all to seriously.
Tim Vine…
If some quick fire hits of stupid gags timed to perfection is what you need then look no further… Tim Vine is the spitfire of one-liners
Demetri Martin…. Gentle punchlines, like a master of the martial arts, Demetri delivers a powerful punchlines with the gentlest of touches
Sarah silverman....
The amazing, insightful, intriguing and ever so watchable Sarah Silverman plays with her audiences and their sensibilities as she walks the fine line of good taste with artful grace.
More from Sarah doing what Sarah does….
Emo Phillips…
The one and only Emo......
Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert have a humorous debate over religion. Carell is backing Islam, while Colbert is taking the Christian side. The result is hilarious.
Time Trumpet – Blair Descends into madness
The day today
NO GOAL - For all fans of the beautiful game
Drunk Breakdancer
Wrestling is Fake
TOP 10 Stupid G.W Bush moments
Top 10 Bush Moments
BEATBOX audition on AussieIdol
Australian Beat Boxer
can you?
so here is a collection of comic clips, routines and happenings to help you remember to smile and most importantly...not to take it all to seriously.
Tim Vine…
If some quick fire hits of stupid gags timed to perfection is what you need then look no further… Tim Vine is the spitfire of one-liners
Demetri Martin…. Gentle punchlines, like a master of the martial arts, Demetri delivers a powerful punchlines with the gentlest of touches
Sarah silverman....
The amazing, insightful, intriguing and ever so watchable Sarah Silverman plays with her audiences and their sensibilities as she walks the fine line of good taste with artful grace.
More from Sarah doing what Sarah does….
Emo Phillips…
The one and only Emo......
Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert have a humorous debate over religion. Carell is backing Islam, while Colbert is taking the Christian side. The result is hilarious.
Time Trumpet – Blair Descends into madness
The day today
NO GOAL - For all fans of the beautiful game
Drunk Breakdancer
Wrestling is Fake
TOP 10 Stupid G.W Bush moments
Top 10 Bush Moments
BEATBOX audition on AussieIdol
Australian Beat Boxer
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Is Jesus God? Sheikh Ahmed Deedat vs Anis Sorrosh

For some religion is dead ....consumerism has killed it
For others it it is not..
in these times more than ever it is necessary to explore the theology that separates and connects the beliefs that people have.
with more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide and the Islamic faith rapidly growing while Christianity is decreasing, we could do well to try and understand the conflict that lies between these two schools of religious thought.
It is a very simple and basic theological problem and it lies with Jesus......
(always getting the blame isn't he! maybe he shouldn't of bothered and just stayed at home with his mum)
The discord arises out of the Resurrection of Jesus because this ,to the Cristian, is the prove that he was not a mortal man and in fact "God"-(whatever that means) where as any Muslim is quite happy to go along with Jesus being a prophet, a great master and holy man......but only ever that ...just a Man, a mortal man, like you and me.
This issue separates theses two cousins of the house of Abraham because essentially the Muslims think that their Christan cousins are living in la la land and believe in people who can do party trick magic as their saviour, and the Christians think that the Muslims are all crazy because they don't believe that the tricks are real!
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was challenged to a debate to discuss this contentious issue in an historic event held at the Albert hall.
Deedat masterfully deconstructs the theories that the christian scholars put to him on the "immortality" of Jesus and then proceeds to expose how Christians have used the bible as a book of misinformation, which it is has become.
The Christians are nervously shifting in there seats with a look of discomfort by time that Deedat has finished with them, He knows his bible better than they do, he is able to quote and reference it with out a copy in front of him and even corrects and explains misinterpretations that the Christians have made...of their own doctrines!!!
Deedat aimed at providing Muslims with theological tools for defending themselves against the intense missionary striving of many Christian denominations.
Deedat was a master of languages, a master of the Scriptures, a wonderful speaker who held the platform with grace and dignity, with humour and passion and was always a pleasure to listen too.... he was such a great man that as he takes to the platform to begin his response to the christian party, the Christian speakers hug him ( listen to one of them repeatedly say " i love you i love you" to Deedat.)
Here is an example clip of the debate and for the full lecture cut and paste the link below and watch the clip series at
( )- for full lecture.
" WE are just WOOORMS! "
"We don't do monkey trickS!"
Deedat gets stuck in to the contradictions of the christian doctrines...
While not wanting to offer my own thought on the issue of Jesus and his mortality, as it is for you do find your own truth, i have always agreed with William Blake in his marriage of "Heaven and Hell" where he says....
God is made manifest through man- Christ was the first to make this distinction.
and as Jesus himself is supposed to of said-
"are ye not all gods?"
here is a some footage of Deedat taken in a more relaxed setting, where he Sheikh Ahmed Deedat debates with the American soldiers of the First Gulf War in Saudi Arabia.
See how the arrogant American soldier enjoys saying his name wrong to try and wind him up and Deedat simply says " just call me uncle"
It is an example of brain over brawn but is sad to see that someone as masterful as Sheikh Ahmed Deedat has to tolerate this petty minded infancy from grown men who really don't know any more than they did when they were 6 and yet now have the ego to think that they actually mean something.
cut and paste the link below and watch the clip series at
- wikipedia link
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Brian Haw wins Channel 4's Most Inspiring Political Figure Award 2007

Brian Haw is a man who I have often described as an inspirational person, a true warrior for peace and a man who I have been in awe of for many years due to his unwavering commitment and dedication to his campaign for peace in Iraq. He is not fearful of voicing his objection to the hanous crimes and deceitful actions of government at the cost of innocent human life, when he speaks he speaks from the heart and so he always seems to say exactly the right thing, he speaks simply and yet powerfully. He is a true voice.
And so it was with great pleasure and joy that that I watched him receive the award for Channel 4's Most Inspiring Political Figure 2007
He has suffered in his campaign while fighting for his beliefs (although I reckon he would say that it's rubbish to suggest that when you consider the sufferings of those less fortunate than himself), the cold wet nights of a smelly, noisy, aggressive, central London is no picnic stop, and he has been camped there not for weeks or months but for years. Many years. To see him gain recognition and to be given the opportunity to speak in his wonderfully unchallengeable style was a great moment and a small little reward for his hard work and endeavours.
On the occasions that I have met Brian and been granted the honour of chatting to him, he has been enlightening and wise with his calm and reasoned manner, and also has the gift of wit about him which makes him a pleasure to talk too.
(sometimes he really isn't in the mood for dialog, and why should he be, I am basically walking in to his front room and seeing if he wants a chat...its not like he can close the door on the world for 5 Min's and keep himself to himself, hes there on public display ,24/7 ,365)
cut and paste this Link to go to Brian's Web page and find out more about him
Here is a video of him receiving his award and also getting the chance to tell to the faces of those who propagated and gained from this criminal war, why they must stop it.
(The basted politicians look ashamed of themselves, just as they should do!)
Brian Haw ...Not the Queen speech
Brian gives his own message to the nation
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